Dylan Sunday 1/20/19

Presentation Issues: the final round of Beale Street was scheduled to start ten minutes too late. This is my fault, though, I am confused why the cue sheet had the correct start time on it regardless. Anyway, Alexis caught this right around seating time and I manually started the show with an appropriate offset — crisis averted (also keep an eye out for any other scheduler/cue sheet discrepancies like that — and again, sorry for missing this)

Preshow Clips/Playlist: the 6:30 Aquaman and final round of Mary Poppins needed to be manually started. Everything else was a pretty smooth auto-start tonight.

Trailer Updates: the volume level on the Oscar Shorts trailer is way, way too low (very noticeable in theater). I was going to the program a new volume cue to add to the trailer packs, but then realized I do not know how to do this on TMS. Can somebody take a look at this on Monday? (and also tell me how to do this please)

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:

Distro Doc updated/checked?:


Cue sheets updated (only if needed):

Showtime boards & recording updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes

Lo-Res :

Additional Notes:


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