Dylan Wednesday 2/13
Presentation Issues: All three rounds of THEY SHALL NOT... let out six minutes later than listed on the cue sheet.
** had a bit of an issue with one of the handicapped seats in theater 7. It was held down with a philips heads screw instead of a bolt — we couldn't find the screwdriver in any of the booths, but somehow the managers were able to get the seat out. Took a bit of time, though. See the manager blog for more details.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built playlists for CASABLANCA and ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL (both 5.1 and 7.1), scheduled them for tomorrow (also made a 'Love Is Love' preshow pack). I used all-ages friendly content for Casablanca and the adult preshows/trailers for Alita.
** Bohemian was not ingested to server 4 when I came in. I sent it out. The Favourite's KDMs were also about to expire; I called Dolby and had them send new KDMs, uploaded them in time for the first show.
*** made changes in the scheduler for tomorrow based on the schedule changes Matthew sent out
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up:
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): received the poster for ISN'T IT ROMANTIC — put it up outside (replaced 'On The Basis Of Sex,' which has been moved to the booth 3/7 poster tub). At the end of the night I moved the ALITA poster outside, took down Glass (now stored in booth 3/7). I put up GRETA as the new 'coming soon' poster in the lobby.
** downloaded the "Love Is Love" preshow from Dropbox, loaded it to TMS
*** ingested all the new incoming keys to TMS (including Alita, Everybody Knows, etc) as well as updates for our other first runs
Ordering/Receiving (content): the ALITA drive failed to ingest overnight to TMS. After struggling to re-mount our drive for a while, I tracked down another drive at Alamo Drafthouse. Fortunately our friend Tanner over there said they were securely ingested and happy to let us borrow their drive overnight. Alexis ran and got it for us (THANK YOU ALEXIS). This new drive mounted without a problem and I was able to ingest the drive to TMS and send content out to theaters 2 and 3 for tomorrow (as well as build out the playlist). Alamo's drive is sitting on the desk in booth 4/6 ready to be returned to their theater whenever we're able.
** ingested WILLY WONKA to TMS
*** still waiting on feature content for EVERYBODY KNOWS and BLACK PANTHER for the weekend
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection: teched Casablanca and Alita in theaters 1&2 since those theaters had early end times tonight.
Distro Doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: Cleaned up the drives in booth 4/6 a bit. Marked out a space on the side table for "Current" drives — everything we're actively showing and could for any reason need to re-ingest. Also made an "Outgoing" area next to it. Packed up everything we no longer need (a bunch of Trailmixes, Groundhog Day, Aquaman, Cold Pursuit, etc). Unfortunately, things were a little hairy here today and I did not have a chance to walk these over to the UPS drop-off. They are ready to go, though. (I also labeled the 'current' drives by title to make them easier to find)
Cue sheets updated (only if needed): updated tomorrow's cues re: Matthew's changes from a couple days ago
Showtime boards & recording updated?: Added Isn't It Romantic to the outside marquee before opening. Also added Alita to the marquee after the last round went in.
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Additional Notes: can we please order some masking tape/sharpies/zip ties for booth 4/6?
** ALSO there is a ton of jumping around on the schedule these next few days, please be mindful of what needs to sent out and what can be deleted from our servers
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