Projection Report 2/10
Presentation Issues: Lots of manual starts/quick turns leads to confusion! Don’t forget to check the drop down menu when you’re in manual playback mode. If it’s set to loop it WILL override the scheduler, even if you turn off manual playback. This happened during the last round in T6. To be safe, always set it to “play” or “play then eject” before you switch off manual playback.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: see below
Trailer Updates: I think the language was a bit vague in the trailer updates this week and whoever made the playlist for the Oscars Animated Shorts used the adult trailer pack instead of the all ages pack. I switched this after the first round when a server alerted me to this. Please double check your work and email me or Kris King if you have any questions!
Special Events/ AV set up:
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Keep an eye out for our “Isn’t It Romantic?” posters to arrive. Hang it out front with a “coming soon” snipe if it arrives before Wednesday.
Ordering/Receiving (content): Keep an eye out for the Isn’t It Romantic DCP and KDM
Outgoing/Shipping (content): Please walk a few of the DCP drives in booth 3/7 to the UPS drop off at Ballard Pharmacy if you have time before we open. Everyone should do this as often as tbey can until we get correct UPS login info to set up a pick up. I’m also going to email Deluxe to see if we can arrange a bulk pick up.
Print/video Inspection:
Distro Doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: Can we get someone to look at the lock on the door to Booth 4/6? It’s very stiff and it’s causing some confusion.
Cue sheets updated (only if needed):
Showtime boards & recording updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night? : yes
Lo-Res :
Additional Notes:
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