Projection Report 2/28

Presentation Issues: No issues tonight!

Preshow Clips/Playlist: I created an A1_StarEncore playlist for the new version of A Star is Born opening tomorrow. I deleted the old playlist to avoid any confusion. Please use this playlist when manually starting the show.

Dylan P. -- I'm ingesting Birds of Passage from eclairplay now. Can you make/schedule the playlist for it tomorrow AM? Thank you.

Trailer Updates: Updated all trailer packs. We're running CLIMAX and CAPTAIN MARVEL for the adult shows. All Ages run the same as last week with minor in-house trailer adjustments.

Special Events/ AV set up: none

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Keep an eye out for Birds of Passage poster and hang out front once it arrives.

Ordering/Receiving (content): I received/started ingesting our DCP of Birds of Passage via eclairplay.

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Please QC Birds of Passage tomorrow AM.

Distro Doc updated/checked?: I created a spreadsheet for tracking assets. It's in the team drive, in the NPP projection section. Please refer to this from now on and let me know if you have any questions.

Maintenance/cleaning: The table lights in T3 were flickering during the final round last night. I lowered the dimmer a bit and that seemed to help. Please keep an eye on this issue.

Cue sheets updated (only if needed): Updated the cue sheets through the week to reflect schedule changes. Waiting on credit times for Captain Marvel and Birds of Passage still.

Showtime boards & recording updated?: Took down Cold War and Vice from the marquee. Please add Birds of Passage and Greta tomorrow.

Cleaning lights on for the night? : yes

Lo-Res :

Additional Notes: Received/ingested keys for BEALE STREET and TSNGO. I also told Ryan we would do 2 staff screenings tomorrow: Greta at 1pm in Theater 3 and Birds of Passage at 1230 in Theater 7. I'll probably be there to run it, but if not, please set this up for whoever comes.


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