Projection Report 3/11 ADMIN

Presentation Issues: none

Preshow Clips/Playlist: When building new A1 playlists, please use DCP_Flat_1:85_PS as the opening pack. I've programmed and tested this to confirm that we will no longer have issues with opening cues failing to register (I believe this is why we were having occasional lighting and masking issues in between rounds and during some preshows). All A1 playlists have been updated to use this pack.

Trailer Updates: None yet. We will need to remove the Clueless trailer after tomorrow though.

Special Events/ AV set up: Did final QC for Clueless in Theater 3. Updated Event Memo with run of show info. Also updated cue sheets with start/end credit times and added a credit offset lighting cue to the A1 playlist.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): I put up the Five Feet Apart poster out front. It opens Friday, please be on the look out for content arriving in the coming days.

Ordering/Receiving (content): Still waiting on SMOKE to arrive. I will call tomorrow if it does not arrive by the time we open.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): We have some DCPs ready to go out that I'll walk over to the UPS drop-off tomorrow AM.

Print/video Inspection: See above, QC'd Clueless

Distro Doc updated/checked?:


Cue sheets updated (only if needed): Yes. There were also some typos on the cue sheet that Ryan alerted me to today. PLEASE check your work when filling out cue sheets.

Showtime boards & recording updated?: I took the Oscar Shorts poster down and replaced it with Five Feet Apart. Also took Oscar Shorts down from the marquee.

Cleaning lights on for the night? :

Lo-Res :

Additional Notes:


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