Projection report (3/19/19)
Presentation Issues: the TMS rack computer was acting a little funky so I gave it a reboot. No problems now.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: scheduled shows for Saturday — Thursday where possible (excluding special events and The Aftermath)
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: see Hi-res
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Put in an order at Eclair for the BEACH BUM feature
* we also received THE AFTERMATH. Feature has been ingested to TMS (and sent out to theaters 6 and 7)
** downloaded the OVUM and FRESH BLOOD shorts for the Blood Bath program next week, ingested them to TMS, sent them out to server 3
*** also received a new Trailmix
**** still waiting on: BLOOD BATH, PULP FICTION, DOG DAY AFTERNOON, and the homebrew IN BRUGES file
Outgoing/Shipping (content): Michael took the In Bruges blu ray to make a DCP for Monday's private event
Print/video Inspection:
Distro Doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: downloaded a bunch of un-needed features from servers 3 and 4
Cue sheets updated (only if needed): filled in cue sheets for Saturday & Sunday. Also changed the Monday 7:00 round in theater 3 to the Private Event info.
Showtime boards & recording updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Hi-Res: Trivia! This was a pretty simple set-up, just two cables mics and laptop audio. I did not know laptop audio was part of the show until close to the start, however — so there was a bit of a goose chase to find the missing cable. It all worked out, though (it was back under the curtain in theater 1 where the mics were). The plastic tub with mics and XLR cables is now stored in the Hi-Res storage closet. (the fader settings under the bench are also in a good place for future Trivia Nights)
Additional Notes: Don't forget that on Thursday, Us becomes "Now Playing," and can probably come down from the north side of the marquee (replaced with the four titles Matthew mentioned in the schedule update email)
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