Projection Report 3/23 Brunch

Presentation Issues: none so far!

Preshow Clips/Playlist: The 10 min and 15 min VHS welcome slides have been ingested to the IMS in Th 1, 2, and 3. These should be played in between showings of US to allow for quicker seating.

Trailer Updates: none

Special Events/ AV set up: The inaugural edition of Spoons, Toons, and Booze went very well! A sold out crowd and only minor technical problems with the PA. Round 2 tomorrow. All necessary equipment is stored behind the screen in Th 1.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): none

Ordering/Receiving (content): Received and ingested keys for DOG DAY AFTERNOON. Also received and ingested DCPs of IN BRUGES and the two shorts that will be playing before BLOOD BATH.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): There's still some drives on the cart in 3/7 that should go out Monday.

Print/video Inspection:

Distro Doc updated/checked?:


Cue sheets updated (only if needed):

Showtime boards & recording updated?: Straightened up the marquee a little bit! Does anyone know where the other suction cup arm went?

Cleaning lights on for the night? : n/a

Lo-Res :

Additional Notes:


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