Projection Report 4/1 ADMIN

Presentation Issues: none yet!

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates: none until tomorrow

Special Events/ AV set up: Had about 40 high school students in Th 3 to watch a blu ray of BEALE STREET. Went fine and they even cleaned up after!

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Order posters for SHAZAM, PET SEMETARY, and HIGH LIFE.

Ordering/Receiving (content): Our DCP of PET SEMATARY arrived and is ingesting. The SHAZAM DCP is confirmed "booked" on Deluxe. I'll check again tomorrow to see if they add any tracking info.

ALSO Michael Lawless brought over the DCP he made for the private event tomorrow and is QC'ing it.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Walked over DCPs from some old events and first run to the UPS store.

Print/video Inspection:

Distro Doc updated/checked?: yes


Cue sheets updated (only if needed): Updated the 4/4 cue sheet with the SHAZAM screenings. Will add credit times once the DCP arrives.

Showtime boards & recording updated?: Added "SHAZAM OPENS THURSDAY" to the north side of the marquee.

Cleaning lights on for the night? : N/A

Lo-Res :

Additional Notes:


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