Projection report 4/5 (admin)
Presentation Issues: As I went to start the feature for the field trip event in theater 2, TMS froze and I had no access to cues, theater controller, etc. Fortunately I was able to use the theater 6 rack computer to log in to the theater 2-specific controller and load/start the show. This was frustrating and created a bit of a delay in the show start, but, it all worked out.
I rebooted TMS after the show ended and everything now appears to be back on track.
** Dropbox was not allowing us to download any material directly to our portable drive. Michael and Rob and a bunch of other people helped fix this through some sort of work-around method which should work until Dropbox is 100% again. Thank you everybody for helping with this.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: scheduled all shows for Tuesday through Thursday where possible (missing Saturday Night Fever and manual starts)
** built playlists for HER SMELL (for the Thursday Q&A, built as 'SE') and VERTIGO ('A1'), scheduled them. Her Smell and Vertigo both do not appear to have credit offsets . In the case of the Her Smell Q&A playlist, I just built a lights-up into the ending logo slide. For Vertigo, I built in some extra black at the end to account for the lack of end credits. (Feel free to adjust and change these playlists if needed)
*** after a headache with Dropbox, we were able to download preshow content for Shazam and Pet Sematary through some back channel Michael and Rob discovered. The correct preshow material has been added to these playlists.
Trailer Updates: Removed SHAZAM and PET SEMATARY from all trailer packs. Updated the trailer packs re: Kris's document to include separate packs for Shazam/Marvel and Dumbo/Apollo, updated these playlists appropriately (as well as add the 'Playland' stub back into the adult trailer pack)
Special Events/ AV set up: middle school field trip bright & early in theater 2. They watched GOONIES. The DCP ran without a problem.
** also triple-header staff screenings: Shazam, Pet Sematary, and Wild Things. These served as unofficial QCs of Shazam and Wild Things, too (I got the end credits offset for Wild Things this way — it has been added into the playlist).
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): received posters for Shazam and Pet Sematary (though apparently it's just the 'teaser' poster — Vision should be sending us the final version soon)
Ordering/Receiving (content): Did a Trailmix come this week? I couldn't find it in the booth. There's a new Avengers trailer we should probably start showing.
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection: I could not QC Vertigo because we do not have the keys
Distro Doc updated/checked?: Updated
Maintenance/cleaning: does anybody know why the mouse track pads on the rack computer keyboards are being so difficult?
Cue sheets updated (only if needed): Updated a few cue sheet end times for Thursday
Showtime boards & recording updated?: added Pet Sematary to the front marquee. Also took down The Aftermath. I left Apollo 11 up there since it's playing through the weekend — it should come down Sunday or Monday.
Aftermath posters have been replaced with Shazam. Apollo 11 poster has been replaced with Pet Sematary. We should probably put up the Avengers poster when we receive it later today (maybe move John Wick 3 inside to the lobby and replace it with Avengers outside?)
Cleaning lights on for the night? :
Additional Notes: Michael gave us a whiteboard in booth 4/6. It is beautiful. Thank you Michael.
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