Projection Report 5/11 Brunch

Presentation Issues: Picture cut out briefly during preshow for first screening in TH1 - Dan from DMS was working in the booth and turned the projector lamp off, because he'd been told he had the theater until noon.

** Noticed some lamp flicker in TH2 - did a lamploc realign and that helped a little, but please keep an eye on this, as that lamp is nearing the end of its life. TH1 is getting close, too. We'll have a lamp changing party sometime soon.

*** Set volume cue to 5.0 for Avengers, it seemed a little weak to me in a couple of the theaters.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Started SE_MurderInTheFrontRow playlist for Monday night, just needs audio and lighting cues plugged in.

** Made a SE_FinalGirlsBestOfFest playlist for that screening on the 21st, but it's just the shorts, no cues or anything. All house made DCP's, so I'd like to confirm the exports are good before building this playlist out. Sent it to screen 6 IMS for review.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Mildred Pierce ran fine.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Anyone know how to log in to Deluxe One? Tried just about every combination of logins/passwords I could muster but had no luck.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Took CatVidFest and Swim Team DCP's with me to drop off at Fedex on the way home.

** FYI there is supposedly a Fedex drop at the Walgreens around the corner at 589 Prospect Ave, according to their website.

Print/video Inspection: Murder in the Front Row, FGB shorts program, Squid and the Whale and Instrument all ingested and ready for inspection! Will have new cuts for the Be the Dream shorts program in the next couple days. Murder in the Front Row plays Monday evening, if we could make that a priority.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes

Maintenance/cleaning: Took out recycling in booth 4/6.

** We ordered some lightbulbs for the first floor theaters this past week, and I went around and changed a bunch, mainly in TH5. Extra bulbs are in 3/7. Sconces take the 60 watt household bulbs, and overheads take the 65 watt flood bulbs. FYI - the bulbs on the first floor theaters are all incandescent - LED bulbs will not dim in those fixtures (they're either on or off). This also means we should expect to change bulbs much more frequently on the first floor than anywhere else.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Today/tomorrow look good. Added Murder in the Front Row event to Monday's sheet, still waiting to QC DCP to get credit offset.

Marquee updated?: Removed Captain Marvel and Us.

Posters updated?: all looking good.

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by TH5?:

Nest: is full of drunks.

Additional Notes: Anybody know where the key to the audio rack below the bench in HiRes went off to? Matthew would like us to keep that locked, and maybe hide the key in that alcove somewhere.


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