Projection Report 5/3 (evening)

Presentation Issues: Not a presentation issue exactly but worth noting--
During the last round the screen 7 server stopped taking macros from TMS. After a reboot TMS was displaying a projector communication failure with screen 7 with a warning by the storage icon saying "Storage is degraded." The server was playing the scheduled playlist normally. After the show let out I restarted the screen 7 server via the IMS and this fixed the problem.

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Updated the white board

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):

Marquee updated?: N/A

Posters updated?: N/A

Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes

Projection cart by TH5?: Yes


Additional Notes:


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