Projection Report 5/7 open

Presentation Issues: None

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Waiting on content to arrive

Trailer Updates: Waiting on in-house trailers to arrive before the new packs can be built.

Special Events/ AV set up: Set-up for The Warriors in Th 1 and Trivia in Hi-Res.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ingested TLR NPP Midnight Cowboy from Dropbox.

Ordering/Receiving (content): received a DCP of Selena that was meant to go to WB. I gave it to Jon to bring over there. He's going to bring back the DCP of Mildred Pierce that was supposed to arrive here, but went to WB by mistake.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): I'll send back our old dcps tomorrow

Print/video Inspection: QC'd The Warriors in full this AM. Also QC'd content for Dream Team.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes

Marquee updated?: The Warriors needs to come down from the north side tonight and be replaced with Mildred Pierce.

Posters updated?: All posters are up to date.

Cleaning lights on for the night?: n/a

Projection cart by TH5?: n/a


Additional Notes:


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