Projection report 8/27 (close)
Presentation Issues: None. A few manual starts but otherwise a fairly uneventful night.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: TMS went into a kind of trance around 10:30 where it seemed to think that all of the projectors (and the scheduler ... and the playlist builder ...) were offline. None of the projectors were actually off and no shows were affected. I do not know why this would have happened. (see my e-mail)
.... however towards the end of the night I rebooted the computer in the rack and everything seems to be working normally again.
** deleted Midsommar from projectors 4 and 5 towards the end of the night ... before realizing that we are bringing back Midsommar on Friday. My mistake, apologies. This will need to be sent back out before Friday.
*** left the Midsommar preshow to download from EVO to our portable drive overnight — if it goes through, it should be good to ingest to TMS tomorrow morning
Trailer Updates: Grabbed the Ad Astra trailer from Trailmix, sent it to all projectors. Still waiting on the latest Sept Card update to load to EVO for playlist updates. (no new Star Wars trailer on our current Trailmix)
** built an '083019' Adult Trailer Pack. (The All Ages pack has no changes for this coming week — feel free to copy and rename it if you prefer) This can be added into the new playlists.
Special Events/ AV set up:
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): still waiting on Dirty Dancing for the weekend
Ordering/Receiving (content):
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Checked
Maintenance/cleaning: at the end of the night I noticed a 'critical error' on projector 2 (related to LampLOC). Error was acknowledged, projector has been powered down.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): there was a small problem on the cue sheet for tonight that we fixed soon after I came in. I did not have a chance to check tomorrow's cue sheet before the scheduler went blank (see above)
Marquee updated?: up to date
Posters updated?: I noticed that the Ready Or Not poster was a little lopsided so I went up on the ladder and fixed it (also put in a less-melted Now Showing snipe)
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Projectors off for the night?: Yes
Projection cart by TH5?: Yes
Additional Notes:
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