Projection Report 8/4 OPEN

Presentation Issues: None

Preshow Clips/Playlist: I built and scheduled A1_OnceUponATimeH_AllAges_080219 with lower volume cues and All Ages trailers for the matinee on Tuesday 8/6.

Trailer Updates: No changes until 8/7

Special Events/ AV set up: None

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None

Ordering/Receiving (content): None

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Looking For Mr. Goodbar and Bill & Ted are both on the projection cart in 3/7. FedEx should be by to pick them up tomorrow.

Print/video Inspection: None

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes. No Updates.

Maintenance/cleaning: None

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Cue sheets for today and tomorrow are good.

Marquee updated?: I switched West Side Story for Never Fear on the north side of the marquee. As a reminder, please put away the marquee letters after you remove them. I found a stack of letters for Toy Story 4 under some posters. It just takes a moment.

Posters updated?: No updates

Cleaning lights on for the night?: n/a

Projectors off for the night?: n/a

Projection cart by TH5?: Back in 3/7

Nest: None

Additional Notes: Just a quick note about cleaning the projector in between screenings of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood—for the most part everything looks good! However, I noticed this morning that there were fingerprints on the porthole. Please be careful not to touch the porthole with your hand  when moving the turret for framing and use the 70% Isopropyl wipes to remove any fingerprints that end up on the glass. Also, the intermittent sprocket was pretty filthy. Please make sure you're spinning the flywheel while cleaning so that the whole sprocket gets cleaned. Thanks everyone and keep up the good work!


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