Projection Report 9/27 Admin

Lots of notes today, this weekend is somewhat unusual so please take heed and read to the end!

Presentation Issues: The first screening of It Chapter 2 in theater 7 did not respond to the masking cues. The breaker for the theater outlets had been flipped by our good buddies the electricians and was not reflipped when they left. My bad for not checking in after them.. When I flipped the breaker, the house lights also came up, but we killed them shortly after. Sorry about that.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Karen built and teched SE_Snoopy for the brunch show tomorrow. I updated the Abominable playlists with louder volume cues for the studio trailers, which were a touch quiet during the first round.

*Karen deleted old first run playlists, as well as plus10 and plus15 playlists from last week, to clean up the playlist load for this weekend.

**Started transferring PS_BR_Witches for Bell Book and Candle from EVO, should be done tonight. Daniel, can you please inject this into the playlist and give it a look on screen before closing tonight. Can you also tech the feature and add credits time to the cue sheet and playlist? Keys for this open at 6pm. And Alec if you can double check before opening we'll be golden.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Karen and I preset the lighting and mini mixer for Spoons in advance of their tech check on Tuesday morning. Tested the laptop feed as well.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): None today.

Ordering/Receiving (content): Daniel, can you please check for Akira keys this evening? They should be coming in at some point before the end of day.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): There is a fair amount of old drives that can be sent out, I apologize for not getting to it today! If someone would pick out the ones we need to send out and leave them on the cart I can take them over to UPS on Monday. We also have shipping labels for Night of the Comet in an email, which I forwarded to the crew, if someone wouldn't mind setting that up for pickup this weekend. Can schedule a pickup for Monday.

Print/video Inspection: Gave Snoopy a good thorough look this morning, it's all set for Sunday. It's mostly 1.77 except for beginning and end, when it oddly reverts to 1.33. Just in case anyone has gripes. As mentioned above, both preshow and feature for Bell Book and Candle only became available to us this evening, so if we can get all hands on deck to make sure that's good to go first thing tomorrow I'd greatly appreciate it.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: We were pretty busy with training today so I didn't get around to updating this.

Maintenance/cleaning: Tidied up a bit in 4/6. Cleaned massive finger smears off the port window in theater 4. Not sure who put them there but whoever it was is a total butthead! They were like greasy butter kid-finger smears all over the part that the light shines through.. I'm assuming it was the electricians, or the ghost of some obnoxious ten year old run amok.

*If the 4/6 trash went out this weekend I'd be ecstatic.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes, today's and tomorrow's are good and have been updated to reflect the 10 fewer minutes in each of the first round shows. Sunday's first round was also updated.

Marquee updated?: BB+C can come down tomorrow afternoon.

Posters updated?:n/a

Cleaning lights on for the night?:n/a

Projectors off for the night?:n/a

Projection cart by TH5?: back in 3/7


Additional Notes: Our weekend is looking a little wacky with turnarounds, so Mascha requested the following (just so everyone's aware):

- All first round screenings will have 30 minutes between doors and feature start, effectively bumping the end time of each show back 10 minutes to allow more time between rounds.
- All shows in theaters 1 and 2 will have cleaning lights kept on when the preshow starts, to be manually turned down upon request from MOD.
- All shows in theaters 1 and 2 will have house lights up for entire preshow, going to house dark only when the feature begins.

There are gobs of manual starts in the later rounds so be on the lookout! Be ready at the start of each round for servers asking for lights down cues, since we'll be running "lights up" playlists all day in theaters 1 and 2 to allow the servers adequate time to bus. In the case of a manual start in 1 or 2, let the "lights up" playlists run for 15 seconds, to allow all the cues to fire including the "cleaning lights"
cue, which we'll tack on to the end of the show start. Either way just be up on communication with MOD.

*That being said, there are new passwords for Splashtop and Teamviewer, so if you need remote access, you can find the passwords written on a slip of paper on the whiteboard in 4/6 above the Mac.


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