Projection Report 9/28 Open

Presentation Issues: None

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built All Ages playlists for Downton Abbey and Abominable both with the shorter preshow and the regular. Scheduled the short preshows for tomorrow morning and the regular for the first round throughout the week. Built and scheduled an All Ages playlist for Ad Astra on Tuesday as well.

-Ingested preshow for Akira to TMS. Also ingested (most of) the Joker preshow, except the "10min" segment is missing files ("ASSETMAP" and "VOLINDEX") so I couldn't ingest it.

-Built the playlist for Akira (with the Japanese audio/English subtitled DCP), and scheduled it. Just want to point out that the assigned preshow is 43 minutes altogether, with the house half portion being 34 minutes. This means that if we start this show at 7:00 the house will go dark at 7:34, four minutes after the ticketed showtime. Should we start it a few minutes earlier or leave it be and input the longer preshow in the cue sheet?

Trailer Updates: Built/scheduled new first run playlists for trailer changes when Joker opens on Thursday, they're labelled "100319."

Special Events/ AV set up: Bell, Book, and Candle in Theater 2. Double checked the playlist before opening to make sure it was all good to go. Preshow had to be manually started so the feature would start at dark/showtime but other than that it ran itself. The movie looked/sounded great.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested Joker and 1BR to TMS.

-Sent Once Upon a Time in Hollywood to Theater 2 for Wednesday.

-Sent Villains to Theater 3 for Thursday.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Prepared a few more drives to be shipped back.

Print/video Inspection: Sent another version of Akira to screen 1 (other one was loaded there a few days ago)--we have a version with the original Japanese dialogue as well as an English dubbed version. Keys for both versions open at midnight.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated for Joker, 1BR, and The Beach House


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Cue sheet and scheduler checked and all set for tomorrow.

Marquee updated?: Swapped Bell, Book, and Candle to Villains on the north side.

Posters updated?: Up to date

Cleaning lights on for the night?: N/a

Projectors off for the night?: N/a

Projection cart by TH5?: Back in 3/7


Additional Notes: Also, could we keep Bell, Book, and Candle on our servers for a staff screening? I really want to see it and our keys don't expire until January.


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