Projection report 9/30 (Close)

Presentation Issues: None

Preshow Clips/Playlist: built playlist for Joker, scheduled it for Thursday's shows. Content has been sent out to projectors for these shows. note: because the 10min portion of the Joker playlist has not uploaded to EVO yet, I placed a generic preshow segment in its place. When we get the last part of the Joker preshow please just swap it in.

Trailer Updates: grabbed trailer for Jojo Rabbit, sent it to all projectors. The current Trailmix does not have Marriage Story on it.

Special Events/ AV set up: Akira in theater 1. This looked & sounded really good. A big and enthusiastic crowd. No problems. (I've left Akira on projector 1 so we can do a staff screening on Friday — please don't delete it)

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): we should order a poster for Where's My Roy Cohn if they're available

Ordering/Receiving (content): ingested keys for Joker. They open at 12:01am on Thursday.

** waiting on Where's My Roy Cohn for Friday. Do we have tracking for this?

Outgoing/Shipping (content): there's a pile of stuff on the outgoing shelf. I can take these to the UPS drop tomorrow.

Print/video Inspection: spot checked Villain in theater 3. I think the volume sounds better at 6.0 — also the first few minutes of the end credits are animated. I changed the lights up cue on the playlist to hit closer to the end crawl. Feel free to change it back or hit it manually night of if you prefer it the other way.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Checked & updated

Maintenance/cleaning: updated the dry erase board in 4/6 with tomorrow's manual starts

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Double checked for tomorrow. I did not find any problems.

Marquee updated?: up to date

Posters updated?: up to date

Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes

Projectors off for the night?: Yes

Projection cart by TH5?: Yes


Additional Notes:


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