Projection Report 10/22 Admin/Open

Presentation Issues: No presentation issues first round.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: n/a

Trailer Updates: n/a

Special Events/ AV set up: I walked Erin and Dylan through setting up the mini-mixer in TH3 since I had already set it up yesterday before BHFF and we left it set up for tonight. Mics are tested and they are good to go.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): We got more Marriage Story posters.

Ordering/Receiving (content): The Lighthouse has come in and been ingested. FYI, apparently, Eclair has a handy fail-safe that doesn't let you see any of your content if you don't take all the files. Originally, I ingested only the CC file since it was the OV file and left the OC (VF file) and the movie wasn't showing up in TMS until we went back and grabbed all the files.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): n/a

Print/video Inspection: Teched and did the run of show of Vincent Price with Caryn. Teched 5.1 playlists with Kris, he is going to tweak them a bit so for now we are to keep using all old playlists until we hear differently.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: yes for Usher and Lighthouse


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): today's scheduler and cue sheet double checked. Erin is going to build Fri-Sun cue sheets tonight.

Marquee updated?: n/a

Posters updated?: n/a

Cleaning lights on for the night?: n/a

Projectors off for the night?: n/a

Projection cart by TH5?: back in 3/7 There is a large dolby box and UPS envelope for John Woods.

Additional Notes: We had a lot of problems with the network today. TMS froze up again and needed a hard reboot from the main frame in booth 4/6. By my count that is 3 times in a week that TMS needed a hard reboot. Should we investigate? Also google was down (emails, drive access, etc) for most of the day. Splashtop also went down and I had to reboot the streamer on the projection mac.

From the FOH management staff: from now on, when we get a customer complaint about volume, we are to check it out for ourselves and make the call on whether or not we should adjust it. In other words, the projectionist has final say on volume and we are not to willy nilly change it blindly at every customer request.


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