NPP Projection Blog ADMIN/OPEN/DINNER ROUND 35MM 1/23, Karen

Presentation Issues:
-There were no presentation issues.
-Little Women still actually looks quite beautiful. About 8 minutes into reel 1, there is a slight, barely noticeable base scratch that stretches down about 1/3 of the frame, it is slightly off-center and lasts only 3 minutes or so. The second scratch is more unfortunate, it occurs 5 min into reel 6 and is smack in the middle, bolder, and runs the length of the frame. This one lasts for about 10 minutes. (If we are sending this straight to another exhibitor, we should give them a heads up, they may want to request a replacement for reel 6.)  I am describing these in detail so that everyone knows what has already occurred and can be on the lookout for any new scratching.
Alec did a deep clean and generously lubricated all rollers but as base scratches occur mostly from mis-threading the sound head, I am attaching two pictures of each sound head threaded, take note of the tension floaters and the proper spacing.
-The only issue with Little Women tonight was that the last foil cue did not fire, I am right by the projector at the end of every show but by the time I realized what had happened, there was noise of the tail going through the sound head. I am not sure why the foil cue did nothing (the lamp stayed on, the changeover never happened, the dowser stayed open) but all the cues fired at the beginning (lamp on, dowser open). Steve was working on the projector right before showtime, particularly, he had the automation circuit board hanging out. He is due back tomorrow, I will ask him about it.

Preshow Clips/Playlist:
-All playlists and trailer packs are good to go. I still never saw TLR_Valentines pop on EVO so we are rolling without it for now and I've padded the playlists as needed to adjust the timing.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):
-Please ingest Honeyland from Eclair tonight after Frozen 2 is deleted.
-While checking for tracking numbers for pending content from Deluxe, I noticed that they had our screening date for Edge of Democracy for 2/6/20 with an expected delivery date of 2/5. Obviously, we are screening this on 1/30. I reached out to Deluxe and they have the wrong booking information, and told me they would be reaching out to the studio/distributor. As this booking is not in the distribution doc, I have reached out to the cinema dept. to assist in keeping tabs on this.
*Update: I saw the screening date was updated to 1/30 with us getting the content delivered by 1/29.

Outgoing/Shipping (content):
-Walked several drives back to UPS drop off.

Print/video Inspection:
-Finished watching August at Akiko's. It looks good. I have deleted it from the server, we can re-ingest on 2/3. I filled in the projection info on the event memo.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

-Re-set the APC and all related components in TH1

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
-Cue sheet & scheduler checked for Friday 1/24.

Marquee updated?:
-Please take down Frozen 2 from the front after the last round begins tonight and add The Gentlemen.

Posters updated?:
-After the start of the last round tonight, please swap out Frozen 2 for Birds of Prey and change the snipe from 'Now Showing' to 'Coming Soon' on the left.
-Please change the snipe above The Gentlemen from 'Coming Soon' to 'Now Showing'.
-Please put Portrait of a Lady on Fire in the vestibule in place of where Birds of Prey was.
-The other poster on the other side of the vestibule should still be Oscar Shorts.

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projectors off for the night?:

Projection cart by TH5?:


Additional Notes:


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