NPP Projection Report Friday 1/24 CLOSE Chris

Presentation Issues:
-First end credits lighting cue fired late for 330 T6 Jojo Rabbit, ran it at the end of the night and sure enough the MID lighting cue wasn't set to fire until well into the crawl. Went in and tidied it, and the other credits lighting cues for Jojo, accordingly.

Preshow Clips/Playlist:
-Tried my hand at building a baby-friendly SPL, in this case for The Gentlemen, please spot check me here. Set BoP trailer and feature at 3.8, all other trailers set for 3.5. Maybe raise feature to 4? Gaged volume primarily from a loud fight/music sequence that starts right around 39:15 into the feature.

Trailer Updates:N/A

Special Events/ AV set up:N/A

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A

Ordering/Receiving (content):N/A

Outgoing/Shipping (content):N/A

Print/video Inspection:
-Tech'd Gentlemen for babies, see above.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:Yes

-Steve said that, audio-wise, T2 35mm isn't doing too bad at all.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes.

Marquee updated?:N/A

Posters updated?:N/A

Cleaning lights on for the night?:Yes

Projectors off for the night?:Yes

Projection cart by TH5?:Yes


Additional Notes: Did not have the heart to erase lil Emily's artwork from the whiteboard, will man up and do it tomorrow.


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