Projection Report 1/18 Close, Erin

Presentation Issues: There were no presentation issues tonight.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Lights up cues added to Let the Right One In.

Trailer Updates:  n/a

Special Events/ AV set up: n/a

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Teched Let the Right One In preshow, and watched through the first hour of the DCP. Looks great, didn't see any problems as of yet. Also checked credit start time. I left LTROI on the theater 4 server since it gets out pretty early tomorrow night too, so someone can finish putting eyes on the rest of the DCP.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated with Let the Right One In.


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked for tomorrow, looks good. Went through the rest of this week and fixed some of the start credit times.

Marquee updated?: Up to date

Posters updated?: Up to date.

Cleaning lights on for the night?: yes

Projectors off for the night?: yes

Projection cart by TH5?: yes


Additional Notes:


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