ADMIN/OPEN 3/4 (Karen & Alec)

To do this evening/ was completed:
-Finish cue sheets for the week
- marquee changes for the early opens
-poster changes for the early opens
-anytime after 6 pm, go ahead and ingest PS_MusicDriven, begin to ingest Seven Stages to Achieving Eternal Bliss from the projection mac server
-I sent Where Does a Body End to TH5, can you please watch as much as you can bear/have time for. Since this is a download from a link and for a one time special event, I would like for us to watch it all the way through. Credits and runtime/lighting cues already recorded. Just make sure the file is good. Please start at 00:30:00 (that's where I left off). Let me know how far you get.

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist:
-ingested new MarA0304 and MarB0304 card updates, swapped these into all the playlists

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:
-Tech'd The Secret Garden in its entirety. Alec and I noticed a couple things going on with P2. 1) The image is slightly askew, the left side of the screen is a bit higher than the right, as this is happening with the flat lens, that means that the projector itself needs to be leveled. 2) The image focus wavers and there is horizontal vibration movement of the film itself. Alec took the gate off and tightened it into the trap as far as he could, this helped a good deal, but the issues are still visible, we should have DMS look at this before they leave us for good.
Since both of these issues are exaggerated during credits and opening titles, I suggest that we start (and end) on the true P1 for this print, instead of starting on P2 (which Alec and I like to do for reel to reel in that theater since it's closer to the rack.)

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):
-Rebecca came in, hold until Friday to ingest.
-New trail mix came in

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:
-Ingested Where Does A Body End, watched the first 30 minutes, grabbed runtime and credits time, I think the volume should be at 5.8
-Tech'd Once Were Brothers, added cues to the playlist, credits are 3 min long (for the cue sheets) CCAP only!!

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Yes and yes

-Alec and I finished programming masking stops through the theaters, to includexx 2:1. All masking stop assignments are on the projection mac desktop.
-We both experienced slight lens drift that we had to address. Mine was the 1.78 file in both TH3 & 7
-Fixed the fidelio problem in TH2. Going into the booth to connect wasn't helping, disconnected and rebooted everything in Juan's apt, still no signal. I then went into booth 2 and disconnected the USB from the receivers on the rack for a minute and re-connected, this re-established signal. Checked fidelio around the building, just in case, everywhere else was good.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projectors off for the night?:

Projection cart by TH5?:


Additional Notes:
-Steve came in around 11:30 am to work in TH2, then promptly left for lunch, I haven't seen him since.
-Did a mock set-up with the laptop in hi-res with Chris and identified all the points of gain/volume control. It's all good!


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