OPEN 3/7, Karen

To do this evening/ was completed:

-Most important thing to do tonight - MARQUEE RENTAL
On the 15th st. side , strike everything and put up "Happy 80th Patricia Cottingham Sohn, a Brooklyn original since 1940!" I would insert the line break between Sohn and A
**This is due to be up before Alec gets in tomorrow and needs to go up after last round starts today. So if you get to nothing else...

Presentation Issues:
-Secret Garden went as well as it could. We did get one customer complaint about the focus issue on P2.
-I did come in and try Reel 1 on both projectors before showtime to check if Michael's adjustments solved all our problems. I was also able to refocus the lenses and remask both projectors. I held off on swapping lenses out since any result of that would not help me for today's presentation and I was running short on time.
- The good news: the adjustments that Michael made to the tension bands and the studio guides in the trap of P2 eliminated the weave (the horizontal jittering of the image) and I think by the very nature of stabilizing the image, the focus got a little better. However, there are still two horizontal "columns" one just to the left of center and along the right edge where the focus would go in and out.
I also need to note that I played the movie in reverse, meaning I started and ended on P1, so the opposite reels were played on the opposite projectors and I actually had some focusing issues on P1 today. So, I would like to do some lens swapping and testing with Alec next week, but using a different print.

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:
-Patty Sohn's birthday tomorrow: this is going to be slightly tricky due to Alec running 35mm at the same time. I did a final tech today of the slide show, timed it, cued up the first slide, and sent a detailed email to all involved (Gerard, Nick, Danielle, Deanna, & Alec) with timing and instructions for Nick Dodge to help us out a bit. I also timed all changeovers today for SG so Alec can have an idea of when he is needed in the booth.
-NYCFC: I finished automating the playlist completely and will talk Chris through it when he arrives today. Alec, can you please do a sanity check on the flow of the playlist automation in the theater on Monday? I won't get a chance to do it since I'm off tomorrow. We can use the PAmicrophone channel for the intro and Q&A since there is no content playing while they are talking. So no mini-mixer set up under the screen. Alec, can you make sure that the wireless mics are good since we have been messing with the signal flow. I believe we need to unplug the Shure receivers in the rack from the wall panel in the booth going to the screen, is this correct?
I set up the lighting panel to run from the booth, standard wash for the Q&A, no recording.

**Reminder, there has been a last minute marquee rental with this, so I am amending the marquee schedule to take out an entire change:
For 15th st. side only
On Sunday eve, strike Patty's birthday wish and put up "NYCFC Shorts"
On Mon eve, strike NYCFC Shorts and put up "Showtime Black Monday Advanced Screening"
Rest of the week stays the same/14th st schedule stays same

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projectors off for the night?:

Projection cart by TH5?:


Additional Notes: I dug up my blog post from 11/3/19 and refreshed my memory of exactly what happened during the last time change. The TMS clock updated AND it pushed the movies back an hour, the result of both things was that all of our automation was an hour too early. So, I rescheduled everything tomorrow an hour too early, anticipating that TMS will update the clock AND push all the movies forward an hour. Obviously, Alec, double check the scheduling when you get in tomorrow am. At least it's just Sunday since we left the rest of the week to be scheduled tomorrow night.


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