Saturday 3/7 CLOSE Chris

To do this evening/ was completed:

Presentation Issues: All was well.

Preshow Clips/Playlist:N/A

Trailer Updates:N/A

Special Events/AV set up:N/A

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):N/A

Ordering/Receiving (content):N/A

Outgoing/Shipping (content):No IMS deletions tonght.

Print/video Inspection:N/A

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
-Nothing new on this saturday.

-Spent a lot of time in theatres tonight as the day allowed for a lot of that. Everything seems to be running very well, no misalignment or making screeches to be heard.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
Yes, tomorrow looks fine.

Marquee updated?:
-Put up the Sohn rental, in the center of the 15th st side, across 4 lines. Didn't see anything detailing spacing preference.

Posters updated?:N/A

Cleaning lights on for the night?:Yes

Projectors off for the night?:Yes

Projection cart by TH5?:Yes


Additional Notes:
Sorry for the light blog, but it was that kind of day. Thanks to Karen for lingering to figure out marquee business


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