NPP Projection Report 10/6 Close
To do this evening/ was completed:
Presentation Issues: The ACs in booths 3/7 and 5 shut off during the first round. I let Gil know and he reset something on the roof, which got them back on only for them to shut off again less than an hour later. Matthew was contacted and he tried to contact the AC company to try and get someone out to look at it. When checking these booths later on with Jeanette we saw that the ACs had come back on, and stayed on for the night.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: A note about building playlists: please make sure the timing of preshow is correct before scheduling the playlist. I noticed today that the No Time to Die playlist had only about 27 minutes of preshow, so the lights would have gone down a few minutes early. I know this may seem minor but this does make a difference for service and they rely on our cues to be accurate. If you're unsure what clips to include in preshow, refer to other current first run playlists or ask me. I updated the playlist with 30 minutes of preshow and rescheduled it so the TMS schedule would show the correct end time.
Something odd was happening with the ingest of Moonrise Kingdom to Theater 1. It would fail and then immediately reattempt the ingest only to fail again. I canceled the ingest, cleared the show playlist and incomplete CPL from the Theater 1 server, and ingested the feature directly to the server using the DCP USB sled, which worked. Rescheduled the playlist after the ingest finished.
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: Texas Chainsaw 35mm screening in Theater 1 went great!
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested Dune and built/scheduled the playlist.
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: Texas Chainsaw 35mm screening in Theater 1 went great!
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested Dune and built/scheduled the playlist.
Ingested Firstness and sent to Theater 3 to be teched tomorrow.
Continued converting NewFest shorts to DCP. Ingested shorts to Theater 2 for teching tomorrow.
Tales from the Hood DCP drive and a new Trail Mix came.
Outgoing/Shipping (content): UPS picked up our outgoing hard drives.
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: I did not get to run the LampLOC alignment in Theater 5 as I was occupied by the booth AC issue during the breaks in rounds. I looked at it though and it is noticeable to my eye, and while not terribly disruptive it's definitely worrying. I will give the LampLOC and possibly some other things a try tomorrow to see if the issue can be resolved.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes, finished cues for next week through Wednesday and updated end times for No Time to Die, Moonrise Kingdom, and Dune.
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes
Projectors off for the night?: Yes
Projection cart by TH5?: Yes
Additional Notes:
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