NPP Projection Report 11/1 Admin/Open
Presentation Issues: The A/C interlock warning in Theater 1 has become a daily occurrence, luckily turning the projector off and turning it back on again resolves the issue.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: Started downloading the VHS Vault content to our hard drive.
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: I set up the mixer in Theater 1 for Spoons on Thursday. I also left two mics down there (I brought one back up to 4/6 for trivia tomorrow). I've decided to use the PA speakers we have on the wall on the theater for Spoons, the same ones we used for Live Sound Cinema. This will shorten the setup time significantly as we no longer have to pull out the speakers from under the curtain and set them up on their stands. The wall speakers are connected to the mixer and I set the mic levels. FYI, I have one mic mixed all the way to the left speaker, one mixed all the way to the right, and one mixed to both. This should help with feedback.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested keys for The Muppet Movie, they activate tomorrow morning so it can be teched then.
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection: Projected two reels of Dogtown & Z-Boys in Theater 1 to see what to do about the masking since it's a 1.37 frame pillarboxed for a 1.85 plate/lens. I decided to use the 1.37 film masking stop and put some tape on the port glass to take care of the bleed. I was worried I wouldn't be able to see the cues since they are mostly over the pillarboxing rather than the image, but they were visible on screen from both projectors.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added the credit offset for Spencer.
Maintenance/cleaning: I adjusted the tension roller for the take-up belt on projector #2 in Theater 1 as it was a little bit loose.
Checked the 1.66 lens file and masking in Theater 2 since Spencer is 1.66:1 and I wanted to make sure there was no bleed. It's looking good, it's shifted over slightly to the left but it's not bleeding on the curtain. I decided to leave it as is rather than try and nudge the projector again and risk screwing up the 1.85 and scope settings.
Checked on the shipment of lamps for the Christie CP2215s. The shipment got delayed, but Gregg suggested possibly getting the next size up which may be available sooner.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked over for tomorrow.
Marquee updated?: Took down The Ring from the 14th street side and put up Ammonite with dates.
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projectors off for the night?:
Projection cart by TH5?: Back in 3/7, be aware the print of The Ring is on there for pickup. Leave it by the T7 server station at the end of the night as usual, though.
Additional Notes:
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked over for tomorrow.
Marquee updated?: Took down The Ring from the 14th street side and put up Ammonite with dates.
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projectors off for the night?:
Projection cart by TH5?: Back in 3/7, be aware the print of The Ring is on there for pickup. Leave it by the T7 server station at the end of the night as usual, though.
Additional Notes:
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