NPP Projection Report 1/8 Open
To do this evening/ was completed:
Presentation Issues: Got a call from Theater 6 when the 3:30 West Side Story started that the masking did not open to scope. I ran the macro just in case it didn't go through somehow and went up to check the theater. It seems the macro is not working since the curtains were still at the flat setting when I got there. I simply manually set them to scope with the motor under the curtain. I'll check tomorrow if restarting the server resolves the issue, if not I will bring this up when DMS visits next week, should be an easy fix for them. In the meantime I made an alternate playlist for Matrix Resurrections tonight, which is the only other scope feature playing in there today. This playlist has no cue to set the masking to flat at the start of the preshow, so please set the curtains to scope manually (button #1 on the motor) after starting the preshow (it's a manual start) so the curtains will be preset for the feature. If restarting doesn't resolve it I'll make a similar alternate playlist for West Side Story tomorrow morning. Similarly, please make sure the curtains go back to the flat setting for Sing 2 after West Side Story finishes, if they don't, please set them manually (button #2 on the motor).
Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built and scheduled playlists for Switchblade Sisters and Paid in Full. Filled in timing on cue sheets.
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up: Set up the DigiBeta player connection to the projector in booth 1 for teching/screening Cocksucker Blues this week.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Ordered posters for Scream 5, Jackass Forever, Moonfall, and The Batman through IMoxie.
Ordering/Receiving (content): The Cocksucker Blues DigiBeta tape arrived!
Ingested the Belle DCPs from Eclair. We will be running the English dub for matinees and the Japanese language version for dinner rounds, so I've ingested both. Runtimes are slightly different (it's a difference of a few seconds), and the English dub has a VI audio track and CCAP while the Japanese has neither assisted listening nor closed captions.
Received tracking for Minions and Scream 5 DCP drives, both are due to arrive on Monday 1/10.
Outgoing/Shipping (content): Scheduled a pick-up for the Sleepy Hollow print for Monday. It's on the cart in 3/7, please leave it by the side entrance at close tomorrow night.
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes, added confirmed first run titles for the next few months and a few events which were missing from that tab.
Maintenance/cleaning: Desmond gave me a number of a technician from CTS to consult about the issue with the 35mm projector in Theater 1. He gave me a call and kindly suggested a few things for me to try. He suggested I remove a part of the trap which can cause the film to be pushed over to the side slightly, and also reiterated the importance of having the sprocket rollers tight on their arms with minimal side to side play. I removed the piece from the trap he mentioned and also adjusted the set screw on the upper sprocket roller so it is connected tightly to its arm, it was moving side to side a bit too much compared to the other projector. I have a feeling these adjustments will have finally resolved this issue but I think we should still show the DCP of Mermaids tomorrow since I won't have a chance to properly check the image from this projector until Monday.
Outgoing/Shipping (content): Scheduled a pick-up for the Sleepy Hollow print for Monday. It's on the cart in 3/7, please leave it by the side entrance at close tomorrow night.
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Yes, added confirmed first run titles for the next few months and a few events which were missing from that tab.
Maintenance/cleaning: Desmond gave me a number of a technician from CTS to consult about the issue with the 35mm projector in Theater 1. He gave me a call and kindly suggested a few things for me to try. He suggested I remove a part of the trap which can cause the film to be pushed over to the side slightly, and also reiterated the importance of having the sprocket rollers tight on their arms with minimal side to side play. I removed the piece from the trap he mentioned and also adjusted the set screw on the upper sprocket roller so it is connected tightly to its arm, it was moving side to side a bit too much compared to the other projector. I have a feeling these adjustments will have finally resolved this issue but I think we should still show the DCP of Mermaids tomorrow since I won't have a chance to properly check the image from this projector until Monday.
Cleared and organized posters in 3/7, updated the trivia poster list.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes, checked over for tomorrow and for Monday.
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projectors off for the night?:
Projection cart by TH5?:
Additional Notes:
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes, checked over for tomorrow and for Monday.
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projectors off for the night?:
Projection cart by TH5?:
Additional Notes:
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