NPP Projection Report 3/5 Open

To do this evening/ was completed:

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: The Selena screening went well.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Printed the return shipping label for Foxfire and scheduled a pickup for Monday. It’s on the cart in 3/7. Shared the tracking number with John and Cristina.

Also printed and attached return labels for House Party and Fist of Legend prints, and attached the included return labels for Showgirls so these can be returned the day following their screenings. As far as other prints we have in which have yet to screen, that leaves Cool As Ice to arrange the return for but Universal usually sends someone to pick their prints up. Waiting to hear back from John about returning Lives of Others, Crouching Tiger, Dogtown & Z-Boys, and Freeway.

Print/video Inspection: Began inspecting the Fist of Legend print, it’s an English dub, which I notified Cristina about. Not sure if she was expecting a subtitled version, The first and fifth reels are a bit too long for the 2000ft cast aluminum reels so I’ll be putting them on sheet metal ones which can hold the extra film safely, and placed an oversized sheet metal reel next to the print on the shelf to use as the take up reel for both. The first reel is very scratched, both on the base and emulsion side, had several splices, and lots of existing sprocket repairs and torn sprocket holes which I had to tape up. There were also no cues on it so I added grease pencil ones.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added tracking for the Grease Sing-Along DCP, it’s arriving Tuesday the 8th.

Updated entries for Eve’s Bayou, House Party, Cool As Ice, and Showgirls with inspection info.

Maintenance/cleaning: Replaced the left side sconce lightbulb in Theater 5 before opening.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projectors off for the night?:

Projection cart by TH5?:


Additional Notes:


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