NPP Projection Report 4/5 Close

To do this evening/ was completed:

Presentation Issues: No sound issues in Theater 1.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: I noticed the 7.1 Atmos version of the Sonic 2 DCP was ingested instead of the regular 7.1. I don't think this would have any playback issues, though it is a bigger file and there's a regular 7.1 version on the drive so I ingested that and added it to the playlist. Cleared the Atmos version from all servers.

Built and scheduled the Shrek 2 and Magic Mike XXL playlists.

Trailer Updates: The only Minions 2 trailer available on Trail Mix is 50 seconds, so I added the Prince of Egypt trailer to the PG pack for next week to bring it to around 10 minutes. Updated timing on cue sheets.

Special Events/ AV set up: The Perfect screening and intro lol went great, as did trivia in Trees Lounge. All mics and cables have been put away.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Cristina dropped off a blu-ray of Willie Dynamite for the Shouting at the Screen event later this month. It’s region B, but it worked on the Oppo without me having to do anything to change the blu-ray region. Not sure why the Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover blu-ray was restricted.

Ingested keys for Lord of the Rings, will check the DCP before opening tomorrow. Ingested new keys for Everything Everywhere as well.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Perfect and Wild Things prints are ready to be picked up by Sony's courier. Will confirm with them tomorrow morning if they'll be coming to pick them up, have both prints on the cart by the entrance in case they do.

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added tracking/runtime, etc. info for Ambulance, it is coming tomorrow.


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Filled in timing for Shrek 2 and Magic Mike XXL screenings.

Marquee updated?: Took down Perfect from the front and replaced it with Snake Eyes.

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes

Projection cart by entrance?: Yes

Additional Notes:


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