NPP Projection Report 7/25 Admin/Open

To do this evening/ was completed:

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Converted the Lilya 4-Ever slide to DCP and added it to the preshow playlist.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Tested the setup for Shouting at the Screen in Theater 2. We looked at the slideshow on screen, a played a bit of the feature with the mics on in the back of the theater. Everything looked and sounded good, I left as much as possible set up or under the curtains for Thursday. The only thing I removed was the mixer and one wired mic for the intro in Theater 4 on Wednesday night. An extension cord and XLR for connecting the left side PA speaker to power and the other speaker are taped to the stage floor right below the screen, which I covered over with the masking skirt so it won't be an eyesore for other shows. Three very long XLR cables (2 or 3 chained together) are under the curtain as well to run all the way to the back of the theater, each is labeled on each end with 1, 2, or 3, and I labeled the mics and their volume knobs on the mixer the same way to easily adjust volume during the show.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): The Escape from New York DCP arrived, I ingested it to Theater 1.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Supernova and Out of Time prints got picked up. DHL did not come to pick up the second Crooklyn print. I’ve emailed them about it.

Print/video Inspection: Teched the Lilya 4-Ever print in Theater 4 as well. It looks/sounds great. I had to frame the image up a bit to avoid cutting off the subtitles, so I threaded reel 2 and waited for the cues on reel 1 to make sure they were still visible, which they were, then set the framing on projector 1 with reel 2 on screen. Since I set the framing slightly off center, I ran RP-40 on both projectors after each reel finished to note where I should set the framing to for the screening on Wednesday as well as re-center it for the screening of The Burning tonight.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added tracking and info for the Do the Right Thing DCP, it’s coming on Wednesday. Filled in specs for Escape from New York, as well.

Maintenance/cleaning: I tightened the lens collar on projector 1 in Theater 4 slightly (it can't be tightened all the way because the knob for shifting the image left and right will not move if you do). It was a bit looser than the one on projector 2, so I tightened it as much as possible without freezing the knob. When I ran reel 2 of Lilya on this projector the image did not move side to side as I adjusted the focus. As for any other side to side movement during Out of Time, I do think that was print related as it only happened toward the middle of reel 2 and at the very end of a few others and the Lilya print was rock steady throughout, and I played both reels 1 and 2 all the way through.

I noticed a bit of focus drift when I ran the Lilya reels, so I tightened the focus knobs on both projectors. Be aware that you'll have to use a slight bit more force to turn the knob.

Cleaned the film channels on the Theater 4 projectors as well as the enamel-coated projector housing.

Added oil to both the Century’s in 4 as they were getting low.

The motor gears on the projectors in 4 should also be regreased soon. There is grease on them but it’s getting pretty old. Gregg was pretty particular about the kind of grease to use when he was here working on the motor on projector 1 in Theater 1 some months ago (I went out to a hardware store for some at their request but he wasn’t comfortable using what I got and it was the only one they had, so he had some brought either from the DMS office or the booths at MOMI, I can’t recall which), so I asked in my email to DMS if he has any recommendations.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes: The LampLOC error on the Theater 1 Christie persisted today, despite hard rebooting the projector. I tried going into the LampLOC setup page but was unable to do anything. The light intensity was not being measured and I could not run the auto LampLOC adjust, the button was greyed over and not selectable. I wrote to DMS about it, and mentioned that the we had Theater 2 load but not start a scheduled playlist this weekend. I also asked them to order us some more Christie bulbs.


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