NPP Projection Report 8/12 Admin

To do this evening/ was completed: 

Presentation Issues: Right after I left, Will texted me that the cleaning lights were not coming on in Theater 2, using either the automation cue or the button on the rack. He put the lights up to the Full setting so the theater could be cleaned while I checked the settings on the IP address for the Th2 lights. The settings were all fine, and the flouroescents were on before the theater opened so they’re definitely working. I changed the cleaning settings to the same as Full for now so the theater will have enough light for cleaning. Not sure what would have caused this—DMS was here working on the projector in Th2 but I doubt that would’ve affected the automation for the fluorescents specifically. They also skipped through some of our show playlists after they finished and didn’t mention anything like this as they left. I’ll look into this as much as possible tomorrow and contact DMS if I can’t get to the bottom of it. The theater will not go dark after shows finish for now, at least.

Also heard from Will later on that the lens offset was off for Nope. DMS must have just readjusted the regular flat and scope macros and none of the macros for other ratios, but they didn’t tell me this needed to be done at all, otherwise I would have readjusted some other channels. They just said it was ready to go and left.

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): Received Emily the Criminal and Devotion posters, one poster for Emily got hung up, the other was put in the archive tube. Devotion was placed in the caddy.

Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested Beast to TMS and ingested to all servers.

Mo’ Better Blues print came, brought it up to booth 1.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Packed up Jungle Fever, placed it on the cart and moved it into 3/7 for tonight.

Print/video Inspection: Finished reinspecting Jungle Fever.

Inspected reels 2 and 3 of Days of Thunder. They are pretty beat up, quite a few splices in both and even more sprocket repairs—especially reel 2, there were 44 sprocket repairs total. It appears there is footage missing from the tails of the first 3 reels, cues are missing and had to be drawn on. Also, there is only clear leader attached directly to the first/last frame on these reels, footage markers added the the heads.

Ran the trailers and the first reel of Tiger Cage for Cristina, also the first reel of Days of Thunder. All three are quite scratched, and beat up in general, but projectable. Perhaps we didn’t get far enough into the first reel of a Tiger Cage, but none of the splices were out of frame.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Tracking for Men In Black updated with a delivery estimate today to Tuesday by 7pm, which is the day of the screening. I’ve told John to see if we can get a download link, otherwise we might have to use the “play while ingest” function if it doesn’t arrive during the day on Tuesday.

Maintenance/cleaning: When watching Fire Walk With Me last night, I noticed the same rattling from the subwoofer from when The Fifth Element was teched at brief points throughout the movie. This morning I played more of Nope again and cranked the volume up all the way, and only then did I hear the rattling, but not nearly as audibly as with those prints. The subwoofer level on the CP500 must have been too high because when I turned it down and played the last reel of Fire Walk With Me (during which I distinctly remembered hearing the rattling), the subwoofer sounded fine throughout the whole reel.

Added oil to both the upper feed and lower take up sprockets on projector 2 in Theater 1.

DMS came back to change the ballast in the Theater 2 Christie. They also put in one of our new 30SPs, and took back the 30 they’d brought and put in. The light is bright and is not strobing, looks great!

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?: Took down Minions and Thor outside, brought Bodies Bodies Bodies out and hung Emily the Criminal. Hung Moonage Daydream in the lobby.

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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