NPP Projection Report 11/25 Open

To do this evening/ was completed:

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: A few KDMs had not been completely ingested. New ones for the regular CCAP Black Panther weren't uploaded, so the first round of this did not start on time since the KDM was missing. Then I noticed the OCAP Fabelmans and Bones & All keys hadn't been uploaded for tomorrow either. When we get the emails with keys there's often separate attachments for the different versions in multiple emails. It's important to ingest them all especially since we're showing open captions now.

Updated the Ishtar playlist with the credit offset and all other necessary cues. Keys are active. Can be checked quickly either tonight or tomorrow before opening.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Had trouble with the cable connection to the bar. Everything was connected properly, but the projector indicated "No signal" with the Digital Link input selected. The only thing I think might be different than normal is the "Link" light on the AJA (by the ethernet/HDBase output) only flashed every few seconds. I seem to remember this light staying on when something was connected. This happened with both AJAs, I grabbed the one that lives under the curtain in Theater 1 just to check. No signal on the projector with this one either. I ended up just pulling it up on Fox's website on our laptop and connecting that.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): I ingested Land of Dreams to Theater 3. It looks like someone tried to ingest it, but only did the VF (version file) with English subtitles. When there are multiple versions of a feature DCP delivered, you almost always have to ingest the "OV" (original version) before/at the same time as ingesting any version files. The DCP files will have either OV or VF at the very end of their name. VF files are usually 7.1, Atmos, or OCAP supplemental files. They do not contain the full feature, rather only the parts that the original version is "missing" (e.g. the extra two channels of audio for a 7.1 mix, OV files are usually 5.1, or on screen captions, etc.) and the server (TMS or IMS) will make a copy of the OV with the VF information included, resulting in a complete "VF" DCP after ingestion. One easy way to tell if you've ingested only a VF is it will finish ingesting almost instantly. A feature will always take 45 - 120 minutes (give or take) to ingest. However, the film in question here is completely in English. So unless the director requests otherwise, we'll use the non-subtitled version. If needed, the subtitled version can be ingested to the server very quickly.

Ingested Elf to Theater 2. Heads up this came on a combo "drive" (it was delivered electronically) with A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation (as well as Polar Express which we are not showing). These can all be ingested from the Filmvault/EclairPlay to Theater 2.

Sent the OCAP version of Fabelmans to Theater 4 for Monday. It's not on the TMS so this wouldn't have auto-ingested.

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Looked at Hook with John in Theater 1. The print looks good overall, though there are scratches and dust.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): MOD radioed me about the cues for the first round White Noise being off. Indeed the credits were listed ending at 3:30 instead of 3:00. I checked the rest of the day and everything was fine.

Marquee updated?: Added White Noise.

Posters updated?: Put a now showing snipe above the White Noise poster.

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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