NPP Projection Close 1/27
To do this evening/ was completed: Re-inspected Action Jackson--inspection sheet updated. Added the Anastasia trailer to the Neverending Story preshow playlist--some of the other trailers included on Kat's list had to be removed to keep the playlist at 35 minutes total (BookNoDates and Family Friendly).
Presentation Issues: Got a call from during round two in T1 notifying me that a ceiling light was flickering in the theater. Initially I turned off the rear ceiling lights breaker, which didn't do anything. Then I turned off the breaker for the emergency ceiling lights which caused the cleaning lights to come on during trailers. Turned that breaker back on, which brought the house lights down, but the ceiling light continued to flicker. Hit the lights down cue on quick controls and also on the rack, neither worked. Hit the same breaker again--cleaning lights came back on. Turned it back on, lights down, ceiling light continued to flicker for a little while until it just shut off. The light in question (from the POV of the projection booth) was in the center left of the ceiling. No issues during round three.
**I don't see mention of Dr Strangelove having been tech'd today. I see that the playlist has a 1.33 masking/lens change attached to the feature. On IMDB/FilmTech the "theatrical ratio" is listed as 1.85, though I'm also seeing the Criterion edition may be 1.66/1.33. Might be worth it to tech before showtime tomorrow morning.
Inspected what I thought were the first two reels of Dreamcatcher. Turns out the first reel, labeled Dreamcatcher H1, is actually the first reel of The Animatrix. Left it tails out inside the film cabinet. The actual first reel of Dreamcatcher is in excellent condition.
35mm projectors in T1 have been readied for scope--ran loops after round three concluded--focus and frame have been set. Projectors cleaned afterward.
Uploaded new keys for Broker, TMS was indicating current ones would expire before tomorrow morning's showtime.
Special events screenings keep getting listed as having forty minutes of preshow on the cue sheet, when they're in fact 35 min. Updated Strangelove and Neverending.
Preshow Clips/Playlist:
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up:
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content):
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up:
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content):
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
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