Projection Close 1/29

To do this evening/ was completed:

Presentation Issues: Not much of a major issue, but the new KDM for Broker in T7 had not been uploaded...kind of. I got it in there about ten minutes before trailers. We received a number of new keys for screen 7 because of the device exchange. I distinctly remember all of them being uploaded, and it's a little confusing at the moment since T7 displays all scheduled shows with an "expired kdm" warning, despite this not being true. The last KDM we received was January 25th, which was uploaded, but didn't immediately register and my assumption was that that's because we had another IMS exchanged, but I checked the ingest monitor in the IMS3000, and the keys had been directly uploaded there--which we can't do. For future reference; all keys must be uploaded to the TMS only. If we ingest them to an IMS directly, they will fail. I checked all scheduled shows in T7 to make sure the KDMs are good to go. 

No light issues in T1 this evening. Regardless, we'll get an electrician to pop in. 

T2 had a bit of a hard time automating shows. This seems to be a semi-regular occurrence. Will investigate.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Double checked the playlists for the 35mm shows we have coming up, including tomorrow's screening of NeverEnding Story

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: I made a DCP of Part Time, the file Alec ripped earlier this evening for the private event on 2/21. This has been ingested into T3.

Put the dj equipment back in the storage bin in Trees. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content):

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Cinema Village wound up giving me the green light to take their CRU drive to the post office (after I posted my blog yesterday), so I sent it off last night. 

I packaged up the single reel of AI that did not get shipped out. This'll go to Frank. I'll ship it out Monday morning. 

Print/video Inspection: I inspected reels 3 through 7 of Dreamcatcher. This is a great print, but I left some comments in the report about a few patches of (somewhat) insubstantial accordion-ish damage (stretched and crimped perfs due to sprocket damage). Few theories: film was threaded improperly/not on or locked into sprockets, motor got killed early because of one or more of the former unless something else occurred that caused the projectionist to stop the film. Unpleasant, but brief noises might occur when projecting these reels. Print is a bit sticky in a few places, too. Just a few things to be mindful of when projecting- nothing too threatening (images below for reference). This should be a fun show. I've uploaded a few images to the drive for Conrad. 

Reached out to John and Cristina about the mystery reel of Animatrix. Since we don't screen Dreamcatcher for a little while, it'll be best to make sure the distro knows we have it in case they need it back before we're to ship out Dreamcatcher

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Took out the trash and recycling in 4/6. 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?: Took down A Man Called Otto and put up Knock at the Cabin

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes: 


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