Projection Admin 5/12 Alec & Lil
To do this evening/ was completed:
Presentation Issues:
Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built all A1 playlists for the week of 5/19.
Built the following SE playlists: Raw Deal and Driver 23
We need to build: Last Unicorn (still waiting on content) and The Wedding Banquet (once the Gay preshow content is done ingesting.)
Downloaded and ingested the following (I took a look at these and they look just fine):
Trailer Updates: Downloaded/ingested and or tech'd the following (info on white board):
Special Events/ AV set up: DCP of Spider Man 2 for the 5/18 staff screening is finishing up this evening. Please ingest to T1! Thank you
Took a seat out in T3. Screws are on the 4/6 desk.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Waiting on Last Unicorn.
Outgoing/Shipping (content): Juice DCP
Print/video Inspection: I ran Cool World for John/Desmond. Volume is on the white card.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Adjusted multiple SE events ~ LOTR3, Smithereens, Buck Alamo, etc. We're waiting on Fast X to arrive/open and we'll update Gremlins 2 once we're closer to the date. We want to preserve T6's storage capacity right now.
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
Downloaded the Generic_Gay preshow content. Checked in a few places to see if we kept this, but we didn't.
Tech'd LOTR 3 today, adjusted the playlist with house lights info/volume and double checked the CCAP and OCAP of the Renfield DCPs we've received.
Tech'd Smithereens and adjusted the playlist.
Adjusted the Buck Alamo playlist/cue sheet.
Indiana Jones
Alien from LA
Barbie TLR2
Asteroid City
Special Events/ AV set up: DCP of Spider Man 2 for the 5/18 staff screening is finishing up this evening. Please ingest to T1! Thank you
Took a seat out in T3. Screws are on the 4/6 desk.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Waiting on Last Unicorn.
Outgoing/Shipping (content): Juice DCP
Print/video Inspection: I ran Cool World for John/Desmond. Volume is on the white card.
We went over the slide for The Matrix Reloaded show.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added info for Harriet the Spy (which should be here next week, it's being held) and filled out a few others.
Maintenance/cleaning: Alec dismantled the platter system in T4 to make note of any parts we need from WB, what's working and what needs to be adjusted.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added info for Harriet the Spy (which should be here next week, it's being held) and filled out a few others.
Maintenance/cleaning: Alec dismantled the platter system in T4 to make note of any parts we need from WB, what's working and what needs to be adjusted.
With John, we moved the projector into a better position.
I adjusted the lamps on both.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Adjusted multiple SE events ~ LOTR3, Smithereens, Buck Alamo, etc. We're waiting on Fast X to arrive/open and we'll update Gremlins 2 once we're closer to the date. We want to preserve T6's storage capacity right now.
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
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