Projection Close 5/7 (Lillian) SRD is working again in T4. Positive spindle update, etc.

To do this evening/ was completed: 

Presentation Issues: Not a massive issue, but I got a call from MOD about a strange noise in T7. Nathaniel and I went to scope things out. I checked to make sure it wasn't one of the surround speakers. It's not anything to do with the sound system for projection, which is good, but there's essentially some slight humming noise coming from the ceiling where the steps lead up to the server station. I waited to check things out properly until after the last round so as not to cause more of a disturbance since you can barely tell the noise is there. I'll check in more on Monday, but please keep an eye on this for tomorrow's shows should anything serious arise. 

I don't know why I forgot about this since I literally have to do the same thing in T2 to prep the bench, but my scatterbrain forgot that, yes, the spindle does come out of the friction clutch---as Alec referenced earlier in the day, it had been bolted in there for a long, long time...probably before any of us worked here. The reason for this (sorry for the delay because I also had to do this with T4 ages ago when cleaning the clutch area) is basically that there's one specific screw with a rounded bottom thats main purpose is to fit into the ridge on the spindle which locks it into place for rewind. Just so everyone knows: ALL spindles have these. That screw was so far down it had locked and rusted the spindle into place. I took most of the friction clutch apart to make sure the alignments were good and to grease/wipe down/re-oil everything. Reference photos below. 

Fig. 1 
Finally getting it out!

Fig. 2
The screw that's bottom locks the spindle into place.

Figure. 3 
The spindles ridge where the bottom of the screw fits.

Figure. 4
Inside the hole where the spindle locks in where you can kind of see the tip of the bottom of the screw. 

Earlier in the week I thought about trying to move one of the cards out of the cp500 in T2 to try it in T4 and then realized we'll likely need everything in that processor since we're on track to get film up in there. it didn't dawn on me to use T6 until Alec suggested trying it this evening. So basically, there's a few things in the cp500 that help recognize and discern the health of an SRD connection; front panel V1/V2, cat.670 card (two small LEDs. you mostly want the top to be green), cat.675's will look off, too. I decided to just swap out the cat.670 since that's the one that normally needs to be replaced and everything else looked just fine. I ran some DD test film, adjusted the voltage and then ran a reel of Space Odyssey just to make sure. Projector 1 is now up and running with SRD! I marked the cat.670 with T6, which is now in the the T4 processor and did the same with T6. T6 really is our organ donor booth...

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Helped Eliel clean up their DJ set. The key is back in the box in the supplies closet in Trees. 

I showed Edgar how to connect to cable and switch back to plex. We put one more game on. 

One closed caption device got use and put back to charge. 

One chair got taken out in 7 and put back safe n sound. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Received the keys for Juice

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes! Double checked the rest of the evening when I first got in, plus tomorrow. 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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