NPP Projection Report 6/24 Open
To do this evening/ was completed: Hey all, this doubles as my blog from the admin shift yesterday and from the opening shift today. Lillian will include some notes from yesterday in her blog tonight, also.
Keep an eye on booth 2. The AC is off due to the leak and it's going to be pretty humid this weekend. I put the blue fan right by the projector, and I'm leaving the door to the stairwell propped open for better airflow.
Preshow Clips/Playlist: I rescheduled shows in 1 and 6 for the week. Jerry is coming on Tuesday and we will likely need to reschedule at least one of these houses after his visit.
Trailer Updates: Swapped the Haunted Mansion trailer for Paw Patrol in the PG pack at the request of MOD/Matthew.
Special Events/ AV set up: Had a really good screening of Shanghai Express, the print looked great. Rewound it for tomorrow's show.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested all updated keys for Theater 1 and 6.
So we are back up and running in Theater 1 and Theater 6. More details about what happened last night below. Both servers are assigned the right IP/auditorium number and are on the network. Automation is functioning in both houses as well. Chris from DMS remoted in late last night, around 3:30, to take care of everything and start features ingesting for today. I checked on things around 6:30 this morning and queued up the ingest for Little Mermaid to Th6, Flash was still ingesting and had been for around 3 hours. That and the ingest of Spider-Man to Th1 were at about 75% and were both started at the same time, around 3:30. The Th1 storage was in the middle of a rebuild at this point, ingests to the temporary Th6 server seem slower in general, and both feature CPLs were coming from the TMS which probably explains why they went so slowly. See the minor presentation note below, otherwise everything was good to go as normal today. Note that we are having a similar issue in Th1 as we were in Th7, on the TMS schedule certain playlists (e.g. Spider-Man) in 1 show as "KDM Missing" despite the keys showing up even under the content manager on the TMS. Asteroid City, oddly, doesn't have this problem. The keys are ingested and valid, this won't affect playback, don't let the warning on the schedule page scare you.
Storage in Th1 is rebuilt so we don't have any risk of dropped frames etc and we can ingest while playback is in progress.
The temp Show Vault server in Th6 is working nicely. The web GUI is the same as the IMS2000. Doesn't look like things can be ingested to this server from other screens, only the TMS. This server is different than the IMS which is a whole server fully integrated into the projector as an IMB. It has an IMB and a separate Doremi. The Doremi is on the filing cabinet we keep Th4 prints in, Be careful not to bump into it. There is a USB port and a CRU port on the front of the Doremi, should we need them.
Presentation Issues: The first round of The Flash went without preshow as the feature ingests took quite a bit of time, The Little Mermaid ended up finishing right as preshow was due to start. I canceled the ingest for the Flash preshow, put on music in the theater, lowered lights to the preshow level, and ingested the trailers. Scheduled the trailers to auto-start at 12:20, which they did, and into the feature after that. Not a huge issue just mentioning it.
Presentation Issues: The first round of The Flash went without preshow as the feature ingests took quite a bit of time, The Little Mermaid ended up finishing right as preshow was due to start. I canceled the ingest for the Flash preshow, put on music in the theater, lowered lights to the preshow level, and ingested the trailers. Scheduled the trailers to auto-start at 12:20, which they did, and into the feature after that. Not a huge issue just mentioning it.
Friday 6/23: The Theater 1 IMS kept losing connection to the projector/ICP. We discovered this in the morning before the school screening, but power cycling the projector solved the issue and this screening went fine. Afterward however, I tried recreating the issue by scheduling the projector to power cycle (Lillian mentioned this happening a few times in the past), and after that it the IMS would lose connection to the ICP exactly 30 minutes after turning on/establishing connection, no matter if anything was playing. We eventually had to cancel the first round Spider-Man showing, all the while attempting to figure out a solution for the rest of the night with DMS. Gabe ended up coming in (a huge thanks to him), and swapping the Th6 server into Th1. The first round in Th6 played as scheduled, but the subsequent rounds were canceled. We swapped the server into Th1 and ended up getting Asteroid City on for the 7:30 show, about 10 minutes after the scheduled start time of 7:45. There are a lot of details which aren't necessarily pertinent, but basically we still needed to reassign the server IP and upload the automation so both Asteroid shows in 1 last night were handled manually, no cues. Gregg and Chris from DMS also ended up sending a Show Vault server which Gabe installed in Theater 6, though he did not put it on the network as it would cause an IP conflict with the Th1 server (which as far as the TMS was concerned was still Th6). This was where everything was left when Jack left last night, the rest of the saga is above...
Preshow Clips/Playlist: I rescheduled shows in 1 and 6 for the week. Jerry is coming on Tuesday and we will likely need to reschedule at least one of these houses after his visit.
Trailer Updates: Swapped the Haunted Mansion trailer for Paw Patrol in the PG pack at the request of MOD/Matthew.
Special Events/ AV set up: Had a really good screening of Shanghai Express, the print looked great. Rewound it for tomorrow's show.
Put everything back in the bin after Ariel's DJ set in Trees.
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested all updated keys for Theater 1 and 6.
Ingested Now and Then to Theater 6 for the private event, even though I don't know if we will still have this server come Thursday.
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: Yesterday, I took the film off the platter in Th4 and took the tree apart. Started putting together the one from Williamsburg. We still need the arms for this, which are being brought over on Tuesday morning. Once we have those I can finish putting it together.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection:
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: Yesterday, I took the film off the platter in Th4 and took the tree apart. Started putting together the one from Williamsburg. We still need the arms for this, which are being brought over on Tuesday morning. Once we have those I can finish putting it together.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift):
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes:
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