Projection Admin 6/21

Alec's notes italicized.

To do this evening/ was completed: Looking good on content--we've got everything we need for the week. 
Staff screenings are out!

Had a bit of a scare in Th6 this morning, the storage was completely down when I got in. After talking with Jerry from DMS I put in the three old drives we took out of Th3 when we upgraded our storage, which resolved it. No more "storage degraded" warning either, so we can ingest whenever. That said, DMs should be coming by tomorrow with a replacement IMS, so we will hopefully be able to use the bigger storage drives again, which of course means we'll have to reingest everything. I've scheduled shows for tomorrow so they're ready to go just in case, but we can hold off on scheduling anything else in Th6 for tonight. I cleared all scheduled shows from Th6 after tomorrow.

Made some notes on the platter instructions on the manual, please take a look.

Updated the 1.85 FILM masking preset in Th4 for Alien from LA. Updated the playlist to include it.

Checked a reel of Shanghai Express on P2, the black bar is the same.

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built the playlist for Little Mermaid this Friday. 

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Now and Then (for the private on 6/29) is done transcoding but we'll wait to ingest it until tomorrow morning since it's screening in T6 (but we're waiting to ingest just about everything since DMS is hopefully coming round tomorrow). 

Checked out the volume for Tetsuo just to make sure it sounded fine. Adjusted the volume every so slightly to be louder. 

Made the slide for Alien From LA

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested keys for Asteroid City, Past Lives, Little Mermaid

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Ordered us some more air cans. We're fine right now, but we don't have tons left. 

I'm not the best cinematographer, but here's a video of the T1 platter system. We will of course be showing you all how to do this physically first, but this should help. I can add text or do a voice over if need be, but I also added photos to the Projectionist Manual alongside Alec's notes. 

Link here! 

We ran the platter system today, let the whole thing run out. Whilst P1 was going I took the opportunity to clean out some gunk out of the blower, then did T2's once the film ran out. I'd noticed how P1 in particular was starting to produce an unpleasant smell--heat/dirt/gunk. Vacuumed both projectors.  

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Checked today, tomorrow. Keep an eye out for manual starts. 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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