Projection Close 6/24

To do this evening/ was completed: Big, big thanks to Alec for giving a great rundown of what happened yesterday. I have my own questions/theories for DMS about the IMB issue, but that'll be for Tuesday. Been doing as much research on what we haven't been able to get answers for, reaching out to some tech pals, too. There is not much I can add that would only echo Alec's blog, but if anyone has questions about the setup in T6, please do not hesitate to ask. Alec mentioned we can't transfer content from any other theatre to T6, only from the TMS, and my assumption is that this is because it's a different server, despite having an almost identical interface and despite the other theaters showing up in the 'options' section under 'location' when attempting to ingest. I do think this would be possible with T4 only because it's in the same space so we could connect the two with some cabling, but I don't think that's necessary.

While we were waiting on Asteroid City to ingest in T1 last night, we hooked up the laptop to the back of the processor to play music for patrons since we had to replace preshow with something else. This works like a charm and we recently did this setup for an SE event, but should you ever need to do that and don't remember how - it's simple. All you need is the 1/8" to x2 male RCA cable (the one I used is kinda purple-ish grey-ish). Both RCAs get plugged into the back of the processor where the nonsych input is. Then just choose nonsynch on the front of the processor. Dolly Parton is always a crowd pleaser. 

T6 and T1 continued to work just fine this evening. Kept a close eye on them both. 

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Adjusted the Asteroid City playlist per Kat's request ~ updated trailer pack(s) (mostly for all PG13 shows. these are more specific to the individual feature this time round)
Checked all playlists to make sure they're accurate. 
We are now just waiting on the preshow content for Wolf of Wall Street/Nashville/Indiana Jones

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Little Mermaid school screening (yesterday) went fine despite that first IMB hiccup. The calm before the storm...

Seat removed in T4, safely put back. 

Emailed John about Nashville since it looked like we were about to get the print instead of a DCP. DCP should be here soon! Added to the tracking doc. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): We received Bamboozled and Twister

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added loads of titles to the doc along with the tracking info we've received, if any. 

Maintenance/cleaning: Ran the platter in T1 yesterday morning/afternoon. Machines are still running smooth. 

Things are more than a little tight in T6 right now so please, please, please use the T1 bench downstairs (winds are good btw! No tenting)

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Checked this evening's content when I arrived and checked tomorrow. 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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