NPP Projection Report 7/18 Admin

To do this evening/ was completed: I ran the test film on the Th4 platter through the projector. All good, and I encourage people to practice with it. Same threading pattern as Th1, only there is no guide roller attached to the wall between the platter tree and the projector as it's not necessary in this room.

The Oppenheimer print has arrived! I believe I already mentioned this, but it was shipped on 3 6K reels, roughly an hour each. The reels were pre-cut without traditional countdown leader (except for the first reel), the print is intended to be plattered only. It's been fully built on the platter in Th1. We have a staff screening tomorrow. For everyone's information, the picture on the 35mm print is cropped to 2.39, so we will use the usual scope masking for the print, 2.20 for the DCP only. I'll go over this in person with people, but the print came with a full platter threading leader, so I didn't need to attach ours. There are two countdowns at the beginning of the print separated by clear leader. This is so we can thread with the first countdown and then motor the film through the projector to make sure everything is working properly, stopping before the second countdown enters the projector, and advancing by hand to 8.

The Th1 platter test film is on the bottom deck. I will take this off tomorrow, but it will not get in the way of the staff screening.

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Updated the Oppenheimer 35mm playlist to have the DCP playing with the Christie douser closed/lamp off roughly 2 minutes behind the print. This is just so we can more quickly switch to the DCP if we need to.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up:

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers): We got Wonka and Napoleon posters.

Ordering/Receiving (content): I started downloading the file we received for the Embarrassment screening (Weds. 7/26), but I'm pretty sure this is the wrong content. I reached out to the distro but have yet to hear back.

E.T. print arrived, this is in Booth 1.

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Printed a shipping label for the Fog DCP and place it on the cart, a pickup is scheduled for tomorrow.

Print/video Inspection: I filled out a report for Oppenheimer, but it's brand new/in pristine condition.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Added tracking for The Misfits, it's coming on a drive tomorrow.


Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Filled in timing for Thursday's Barbie shows, and Oppenheimer both DCP and 35mm.

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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