NPP Projection Report 12/10 Close
To do this evening/ was completed: Went to go change the brunch titles and replace the holiday market ad with 35mm screenings as it started raining again and didn't really stop for the night. If these can get updated tomorrow, that would be great!
I turned the AC back on in Theater 2's booth, it was getting pretty warm in there. When it gets colder out in a few days, you can turn it back off, or ask MODs to if you don't know how.
Presentation Issues:
Preshow Clips/Playlist:
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up:
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested Color Purple to the TMS.
Presentation Issues:
Preshow Clips/Playlist:
Trailer Updates:
Special Events/ AV set up:
Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):
Ordering/Receiving (content): Ingested Color Purple to the TMS.
Ingested Elf from the WB Holiday combo drive we received for next weekend's brunch shows and added it to the playlist in place of our homemade DCP for the private event next week. This studio version apparently has some form of bonus content so we should see what that is when we tech it.
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection: Uploaded Wizard of Oz pictures to Google Drive from yesterday.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: Reached out to Chris at DMS to order us more bulbs for the Christies, both the bigger and the smaller models.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes: Heads up for those concerned: moved my shift on Tuesday the 19th later to project Cobra, which is a collector's print and marked in red on the event calendar.
Outgoing/Shipping (content):
Print/video Inspection: Uploaded Wizard of Oz pictures to Google Drive from yesterday.
Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:
Maintenance/cleaning: Reached out to Chris at DMS to order us more bulbs for the Christies, both the bigger and the smaller models.
Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes
Marquee updated?:
Posters updated?:
Cleaning lights on for the night?:
Projection cart by entrance?:
Additional Notes: Heads up for those concerned: moved my shift on Tuesday the 19th later to project Cobra, which is a collector's print and marked in red on the event calendar.
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