NPP Projection Close 3/6

To do this evening/ was completed: Read through the weekly update and took note of events I'll be present for this upcoming week (Boyz n the Hood screening, Live Sounds performance, etc)

Presentation Issues: A guest noted The Zone of Interest was too quiet during its second round in theater 7 this evening and the volume was brought up to compensate for the higher attendance

A couple less than stellar changeovers during Pumping Iron II (missed the C/O cues by a handful of frames, a few frames of black between reels) and some very minor issues with focus going in and out at the heads and tails of each reel

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Pumping Iron II intro and screening went smoothly despite the aforementioned (minor) issues during the run of show 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Final Destination 5 and Perfect Days feature content became available through EclairPlay and were ingested to the TMS

Uploaded new keys for first run titles (Drive-Away Dolls, Dune: Part TwoOne Love, Perfect Days)

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Re-inspected Pumping Iron II and packaged it for return shipping (waiting on word from Cristina about where the print is being routed to -- will update if any is provided by end of day)

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Tightened the bolts attached to the hinges on one of the small compartment doors on projector 2 in booth 1 (it still doesn't clasp to the machine itself but doesn't hang so loosely anymore)

Checked theater/booth 2 for leaks this evening and noticed a small drip coming down the wall on the landing behind row 1 -- the back row -- in addition to seeing spots on the front facing wall inside the booth sweating from the rainfall outside

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Double checked & initialed (STB in theater 1 so there is no SPL scheduled on the TMS -- everything else is set for tomorrow afternoon) 

Marquee updated?: Heavy rain this evening prevented me from changing anything but the letters on the 35mm side can come down tomorrow/whenever the weather clears up

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes

Projection cart by entrance?: Yes

Additional Notes: No attendance for the final rounds in theater 1 and 5 (these shows were stopped early)


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