Projection Admin 3/8 Lillian

To do this evening/ was completed:

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built all new A1 playlists for 3/15 along with It's Complicated, Friday the 13th. Initials are on the sheets. 

Trailer Updates: Built all new trailer packs for 3/15. 

Special Events/ AV set up: Brought hearing devices back up to charge. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Received new content from Kat for 3/15. Downloaded and ingested everything! 

KDM for Final Destination 5 opens up Sunday. 

Downloaded and ingested Challengers trailer #6, Inside Out 2 trailer #4, Sasquatch Sunset trailer, Stepford Wives trailer

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Still waiting to hear back on the shipping information for Pumping Iron II

Print/video Inspection: Transferred Love is the Message to T1 and took a look at it. Adjusted the playlist but we're still waiting on still images from the host!

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Copying over the Paperboy file to the laptop since we'll probably run it off of that. 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked! Updated the Oscar Screening sections as per Desmond's request. 

Marquee updated?: Added new first run titles. 

Posters updated?: Took down the Coming Soon tabs and added Now Showing to Kung Fu Panda and Perfect Days

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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