Projection Admin 6/5

To do this evening/ was completed: Staff Screenings have been sent out, including info for the special Friday screening of The Feeling...
All screenings have been blocked on the calendar and scheduled on the TMS. 

Weekly email is out! Feast your eyes upon it when you can. Lots of important info in that one. 

Had a great cinema meeting: we're doing just fine on content, in fact, we're looking particularly good for the following week. Notes on receiving below. 

I re-enabled the dowser in the T1 Christie. I discovered that the cleaning light macro on the Theater 1 server included a command to close the dowser (no idea how this got there). I'm not sure this logically explains the random closings, however if the dowser was closed at the start of preshow its possible the dowser shut when the cleaning lights came on at the end of the last show and the cue to open it at the start of the next show didn't go through (which happens sometimes). Either way, we need to have it enabled again so we can pull the Interrogator logs ASAP if it happens again. -al

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built the playlist for Cora Bora & Top Secret

The preshow elements for Inside Out II and Tuesday are still pending in the Do Not Ingest section on the drive, but I believe the preshow for the former title will be available today, EOD. We still have time, of course, but keep an eye out for anything available for download. 

Trailer Updates: Downloaded and ingested the trailer for the Cat Video Fest (this August. we've got awhile).

Special Events/ AV set up: John will be in this evening to assist with any theatre needs for Lesbian Bar Project. Playlist is all set! 

Alec showed me where we're keeping the new receivers for the mics in T1 (and how to adjust them when in T2). We've got Spoons tomorrow. 

Reached out to Chenelle about the private events we have coming up, two of which are for Inside Out II (which is easy) but the the other two are different. Raekwon will be dropping off the BluRay of Ratatouille this Friday for the private on 6/13. I'll be in touch with him for a drop off time. On 6/20, we've got a Student Film Series for PS39. Chenelle confirmed they'll be sending a DCP by 6/10. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): We received The Last Starfighter. Ingested to the TMS! I let John know since we discussed in cinema meeting. 

Reached out to Deluxe for an eta on the KDM for Top Secret! which will be delivered sometime late tomorrow night! 

Received and ingested Inside Out II today. DCPs (including OCAP) all set! Deleted the 5.1 after ingesting 7.1. 

Received and ingested the keys for Bad Boys, Garfield, I Saw The TV Glow, The Fall Guy, Challengers. The keys for Garfield and Bad Boys will be active starting tomorrow. We'll tech in the AM. Reminder: The Feeling keys open up Friday. 

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Deleted playlists we don't need such as Bad Education, Drop Dead Gorgeous, etc. 

Print/video Inspection: Put Mulholland Drive on house reels -al

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: Updated today. Deleted some titles we aren't showing, updated delivery for a few others. Added all titles (so far) for the month of July!

Maintenance/cleaning: I looked at the turrets in Theater 1, there was a washer that I guess was never put in on P2 that was there on P1, I put one in the same spot on P2 so hopefully that should help keep it steady over time. I also tightened them enough so that they won't shake but not so much that they're difficult to rotate. I'll check on these over the next few days to make sure they hold up. -al

Filed the new marquee letters away. -al

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Double checked the sheets for today. 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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