Projection Close 6/8

To do this evening/ was completed: Jared radioed me around 11pm tonight because we got an email this evening (that I asked him to pass onto us) in which a customer detailed something strange they saw Friday night, during the dinner round of Furiosa in T3. "We saw Furiosa last night in Theater 3 (I think) and there was a big ol line vertical of burnt, or off looking pixels down the screen just right of center. Not sure if it was the projector or surface but it was distracting and bit frustrating to shell out for a ticket and have that happen." 
I went in there this evening to first check on the film that was already playing and then, despite the fact that they describe it as an issue with the image/projector lens, I had a look up in the landing area by the port glass to see if anything was out of place. After final round I went in there to test the DCP/test pattern and honestly, at one point I just thought "are they talking about the seam in the screen?" because yes, it is noticeable, and it is noticeable in other theatres where there's a shorter throw, but it's not burnt pixels and I'm certain this is what they were referring to as it's just right of center. Trying to upload a photo but my phone isn't allowing me to...
I let Jared know and he had the same theory. 

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Double checked and went over the playlists for the upcoming week of 6/14 to make sure all A1s are in order. 
Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Ratatouille finished transcoding in T1. Copied over to DCPIV drive and ingested to the TMS!

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Received the keys for Just Another Girl

FYI- keys for Top Secret open tomorrow (technically today) so if there's time in the AM, feel free to Tech, but I can swing it Monday. 

Outgoing/Shipping (content): Carefully deleted content we no longer need. 

Print/video Inspection:

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: T1 projectors have been cleaned for tomorrow! Just make sure to run loops for posterity. 

Went through the last bits of this week/notes for next week to set some reminders for myself come Monday. 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes! Reg brunch playlist for The Feeling and Sundays on Fire are ready to go. 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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