Projection Admin 9/19

To do this evening/ was completed: Hey everyone. So I color coded four different sections in the master doc for NewFest, one of which you will be responsible for (the title of the column is quite literally NH Staff Responsible), just like last time. Each section/short you are responsible for has your name listed. Just like last time, this will make our lives much easier. Jack, I know you've already been downloading shorts, so you'll notice the shorts you've already downloaded have your name and color attached. - Lillian

I'm working on the schedule for October currently. I have the first three weeks (beginning 9/27, 10/4, and 10/11) drafted and the final two weeks (beginning 10/18 and 10/25) published. I sent out PDFs of the drafts for the first three weeks to everyone, please look them over. These will be published by EOD Saturday. -Alec

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Ingested Megamind and built the playlist. - Lillian 

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Downloaded ALL of the shorts for The Bloody Lady brunch screenings in October (thank you, filemail app. pretty great every time). The feature of The Bloody Lady is the only thing still downloading for this. The shorts and feature are on the preshows/trailers drive. Once the feature has finished to the drive, please ingest it with the following shorts: (- Lillian)
Tom Thumb and the Germs
The Ladder
The Microscope
The Idol 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): More shorts! Ahhh! I downloaded and ingested another short (Cigarettes) for the Gotham Shorts next work week. Contacted Desmond again after both Alec and I tried our best to download the shorts using Media Shuttle, but wouldn't budge. I emailed the folks who are responsible for those shorts and they're uploading all three of them to Google Drive! Plaisir is almost done uploading to the drive, just needs its last file or two. - Lillian

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Ran Condo Painting and Wild Things for Cristina today. Both look rather spectacular (especially Condo Painting!) Volume has been noted. Reels are rewound. 
Ran loops for Wild Things tonight. - Lillian 

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: DMS and AFA were here for maintenance today. All theaters are responding to the fire alarm now, There were wiring issues with the Theater 6 and Theater 1 shutdown panels which Gary from AFA was able to fix. Also some wires needed to be reconnected to the back of the light control panel on the T6 rack which Jerry took care of. We triggered the fire alarm a few times and checked all theaters, and they all responded normally (picture/sound shut off, all house & cleaning lights came on).
Jerry and Chris from DMS also put the new dowsers in the Theater 7 and Theater 3 Christies. -Alec

We had to move the T4 projector to access the fire alarm shutdown panels for Theater 1 (these are indeed in 4/6 and not booth 1 as you'd expect). It's back in place and all lens files have been checked and adjusted as necessary. -Alec

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes

Marquee updated?: Added The Substance, Transformers One and My Old Ass to the marquee. -Lillian

Posters updated?: Yes. Added Now Showing banners to the new first run features. 
****Note: We are missing several keys for the poster windows. Please have a look at home and in any pockets. We need these! Thank you. - Lillian 

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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