Projection Admin 10/04

To do this evening/ was completed: Remembered we have a Joker 2 show in T4 this weekend, so I made a new lens preset on the christie, made and adjusted the cues for the masking and lens format in the IMS and tested the A1 playlist. 

Presentation Issues: Not a major issue, but we moved the staff screening into T3 this morning due to incredibly loud and intense drilling in and outside of T2. We will need to steer clear of any early screenings in T2 for a hot minute...probably another few weeks. Of course, for our NF36 tech with HBO, we will definitely make sure the theatre is clear for that once we have a solid date and will communicate accordingly with Matthew, Juan, and the workers. 

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built all new A1 playlists and made any and all necessary changes to the trailer packs for 10/11. You'll see in the new trailer list that there's an enormous tab of NewFest 36 playlists. We still need the audience slides, but other than that, we have just about everything. I reached out to Kim since she  mentioned we should be getting more assets tonight. See notes below for NF36. 

Trailer Updates: 

Special Events/ AV set up: The DCP of Home Alone 2 is still transcoding in T1. It will likely finish up later on tonight, super late, so it can get ingested Saturday morning. 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Received new content from Kat. Downloaded and ingested the forecasts since they finished uploading to the drive earlier than I thought they would. 

Received more assets from Kim, which are all in the NF36 master doc. 
I downloaded and ingested the new versions of Seat 31 and Gender Reveal
Along with the shorts, I have downloaded and ingested all the slides for New Voices Grantee: Angalis, Apa, Cai and Clementine. The Intro/Q&A slides for New Voices are also ingested!

* I am currently downloading the DCP of Dilating for Maximum Results to the preshows/trailers drive in 4/6. This is for the WIP NewFest screening, which will also include How Not To Date While Trans, which can get downloaded once the former film is done downloading. 

* The Queer Media mixer has been downloaded to the desktop in 4/6. 

Outgoing/Shipping (content): 

Print/video Inspection: Tech'd A Nightmare on Elm Street. Updated cue sheets. 

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?: 

Maintenance/cleaning: This afternoon, we received our new APC units for T1 and T7. One of them is now resting in T1. If there's time tomorrow morning and Alec feels comfortable replacing one before we open, T1 can get changed out. 

I don't believe we mentioned this in yesterday's blog as it was much later in the day, but, remember when part of my recording of the Metallica q&a (which was over 40 minutes) went missing? Well, the camera we use to record in T1 can only record up to around 30 minutes (apparently). Alec and I recorded just to see if it would eventually cut out and it did! Usually, our q&as don't go over 30 minutes, but this is useful information for us. 

Ran the trailer reel and first reel of Final Run for Cristina today. The trailer reel is about 7 minutes long. I marked the info on a white card and did just the same for the feature. Looks and sounds good. Everything has been rewound. 

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Yes. Updated weekend SE info. 

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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