NPP Projection Report 1/18 Open

To do this evening/ was completed: Figured out why the schedule for the weekend was showing so many warnings yesterday. Shows were scheduled several times on top of each other, mostly 3-4 times but one Babygirl was scheduled like 7 times over, so Screenwriter was warning about overlapping schedules. I don't know if this would have affected playback, I deleted the redundant schedules before opening. Not sure why this happened, did anyone use the IMSes to schedule the weekend initially? There weren't any duplicate Wolf Man or SE schedules (these SPLs were built later in the week). Not sure if that's what happened or it would be what caused the glitch (I'm sure no one actually rescheduled things 4 times), but in any case let's only use Screenwriter to build and schedule playlists going forward. It's very top-down software.

Made an alternate cue sheets template with an intermission row we can use while we have The Brutalist if it's helpful. It's called "ALT NPP Cue Sheets TEMPLATE w/ Intermissions"

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist:

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Thieves Like Us went really well. Rewound the print for tomorrow and cleaned the projectors after the show.

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): I ingested Wages of Fear to the LMS. We should just ingest everything here even if it's a one-off showing in one theater. Unlike the Dolby TMS, everything needs to be ingested on Screenwriter to be able to build/schedule the playlist there. Ingesting only to an IMS and building/scheduling the playlist there works, of course (although Screenwriter will display "unknown playlist" on its schedule page), but it helps to keep the process consistent since we sometimes have to pick up where others left off.

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: Clue DCP is 1.78. I added the lens/masking change pack to the playlist for tomorrow. In fact, was this teched? Because it has a little over two minutes of credits (offset is in the KDM delivery email), and there was black added to the end for lights up, so the house remained dark during the credits. I removed that black from the playlist and added the credit offset cue. Good to go for tomorrow.

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Roger came in to change the bulb in T1/P2 and measure the light on screen from both projectors. He also let me know the P2 projector body is not aligned perfectly with the lamphouse by a very small bit. The light looks good on screen but we would have to loosen some bolts that fix the projector body to the lamphouse to move the projector body over and line it up exactly. This is something we'd need some extra help for, I'm going to reach out to someone for assistance. We would also probably need to cut new aperture plates after doing this, which certainly wouldn't be a bad thing, but it'll be a bit of an undertaking.

I tightened the focus knob on P1 in T4 since it was a bit loose and I noticed some drift during Brewster last weekend. Also tightened the bit on the lens collar that allows you to shift the image left or right. This is a flathead screw and shouldn't be fully tightened or else you won't be able to adjust the collar. It's just tight enough.

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Filled in Killer Klowns credit timing.

Last bit of nitpicking, sorry: Thieves Like Us credits times were slightly off. I let Wyatt know before it started and updated it for tomorrow. The movie is 123 minutes. I found the copy online that's 117 on that weird Russian website. I assume this is what was used for the timing. Always a good idea to check the runtime of 35mm movies against IMDb, which is pretty much always right about the runtime. (Google and Letterboxd are a different story)

Marquee updated?:

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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