Projection Admin 1/10

To do this evening/ was completed: Hi folks - please take a moment to check in with your adp account to see if there's any changes to our income with the recent 401k enrollment changes. Chances are, nothing's changed, but take a look on the off chance you need to call them should you not want to be enrolled. Shoot me or Jess a message if you have any questions about it! Thanks  - LH

 Removed 1/10 content from servers. 1/17 A1 playlists built.

Re-inspected Cotton Comes to Harlem...

Letters up for our returning first-runs.

Presentation Issues:

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Double checked the Space Jam playlist. LH

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: FYI - We likely won't actually be using the Mad Max DCP we got from Deluxe since the Morriccone Youth will be bringing their own DCP this Sunday, I believe. It's silent, of course. I don't think the Deluxe one will be... I want to keep it on the server for now, though. - LH 

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Downloaded and ingested the new forecasts and Virtuosity trailer from Kat. Keep an eye out on the rest for when it's available. - LH

We got a mystery box of medical supplies from UCLA. This is obviously a mistake, I wrote to Cristina to let them know and possibly return the shipping charge for this -AL

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: * Techd the SOF print with Cristina this morning. Looks and sounds great! 
*Techd Popeye in T1, Thieves Like Us, in T4, as well as Year One. Everything's been rewound and noted. - LH

Asset tracking doc updated/checked?:

*Did some thorough vacuuming under the curtain in T1 since we had spoons last night., then Jack vacuumed the stage in T2. - LH

The new bulb for P2 in T1 arrived. I contacted Roger about coming to install it, he will confirm with me on Monday but it's looking like he'll be here next Thursday for this -AL

Replaced ceiling light bulbs in 5 and 7 -AL

Reset 2.20 masking for the flat channel (and made this channel for Theater 2), also made some minor adjustments to projector channels and masking in all houses -AL

Cue sheets updated/checked (every shift): Checked! - LH 

Marquee updated?: Yes

Posters updated?:

Cleaning lights on for the night?:

Projection cart by entrance?:

Additional Notes:


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