Projection Report 2/1 (Dylan P.)

Presentation Issues: The center audio channel in theater 3 is not functioning properly — according to both Sam and Steve at DMS, we have a busted driver. This means that the center channel (where the dialogue & much of the sound mix plays from) sounds like it is missing all of its bass, and has a crushed, 'tinny' sound to it (somebody said it sounds like it is playing from a tin can, which I agree with).
     We've had many customer complaints about this today (the problems started with the first round of The Favourite). During the changeover between the first and second round, I tried rebooting both the CP750 processor and the DCM monitor, but this did not fix the problem. After that, I confirmed with DMS that the speaker is most likely busted and needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, this is a hardware issue and there is not much I can do to fix it on my own.
      It should be noted that the surround speakers were still working correctly, which is part of what made diagnosing this problem a little tricky — all of our in-house content, which is mixed in L/R stereo (and does not use the center channel), sounds great, and anything in the studio DCPs not mixed for the center also sounds just like it should. Music and explosions are still good — dialogue, not so much.
      Steve suggested swapping the left and center cables on the DCM (which routes the sound mix to the theater). I did this before the third round of shows, and played the new output for Rachel and Gil. All three of us agreed that swapping the wires did very little to fix the problem, though — it just moved a different part of the mix to the center, which still sounded noticeably bad, and made our in house content unlistenable. Still sounded wrong, just in a different way. I have moved the wires back to their original placement with MOD's agreement.
      Thank you to Max and the MODs for being so patient and making yourselves available during this whole process.

Preshow Clips/Playlist: Built the Capernaum playlist and scheduled it for the week. Downloaded and ingested its KDMs as well.

Trailer Updates:

Special Events/ AV set up: Dylan S. came in and ran the staff screening of Cold War in theater 1

Ordering/Receiving (posters & trailers):

Ordering/Receiving (content): Capernaum DCP arrived at pretty much the last minute. Fortunately, we were able to ingest it in time for the first round.

Outgoing/Shipping (content):

Print/video Inspection: QC'd Capernaum in theater 5. Also began deleting Aquaman from our servers.

Distro Doc updated/checked?:

Maintenance/cleaning: Removed Aquaman from the outside posters, replaced it with Capernaum. Also took down Mary Poppins (it's playing tomorrow & Sunday only) and replaced it with a 'coming soon' snipe and Captain Marvel poster.

Cue sheets updated (only if needed):

Showtime boards & recording updated?: Removed Aquaman from the outside marquee. Added Cold War. I did not add Capernaum because the marquee was beginning to look a little cramped — maybe after Mary Poppins ends on Sunday we can put it up in its place? (The Capernaum letters are stacked up on the shelf in booth 3/7 if somebody decides to put them up)

Cleaning lights on for the night?: Yes

Additional Notes:


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